No Buds not certain why

Dear Growers,

This is my first time growing these plants. I found that after 6 weeks I don’t see buds on my autos, but the plant looks healthy for the most part, just isn’t over 13 inches tall. It’s been 6 weeks. Is there any way to correct this?

I grow in a tent and have a feminized in the same tent with Auto’s so I am using 16 on 8 off for lighting. The feminized plant has buds. It gets the same care.

  • Strain: Gold Leaf & White Widow
  • Type (fem/auto/reg):Auto
  • Climate (indoor/outdoor): Indoor
  • Medium (soil/hydro/details): Fox Farm Ocean Forest 6.3-6.8 PH
  • pH of runoff or solution in reservoir: NA
  • Nutrient mix strength (EC/TDS):NA
  • Light type & schedule: 16 on 8 off
  • Temperatures day & night: 70 - 75 F
  • Humidity day & night: 50 - 60 %
  • Ventilation: fans and duck
  • AC:None
  • Humidifier:None
  • De-humidifier:None
  • Co2: None

Any help would be appreciated.


Hiya! You should post some pictures to help people identify problems!! :relaxed::relaxed:
Tag people too if you can! Then they can tag more people who may be able to help!

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Autos do what they want, when they want. If you want control, Photos will provide you that. Autos can take 12 weeks and longer. Growers have had Autos go over 16 weeks. :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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You say the feminized plant has buds and you’re doing 16/8 with the lights. Are they actually buds or just plant showing maturity. And by the feminized plant are you saying it’s a photo not an auto

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Sorry but no,it’s an auto & they have their own schedule to follow no matter what you do. I’ve had autos that fizzled & didn’t give me much at all only around a foot tall and I’ve had them give me alot around 5’ tall. It does seem funny that you have 2 different strains & both are stunted. It may be that they are in nute lock out since you don’t know the PH or PPM at run off. What type of water do you use?

This is what stood out to me @Allinherhead

@IG is there a chance you got the plants mixed up? A photo fem should not be flowering with an 18/6 light schedule, but the auto will


Many of the autos I’ve seen lately sure look like the fast version not autos.

The bigger they get the more they seem to resemble fast versions as many of these XXL autos go 12 plus weeks. They all herm a bit after the breeders harvest dates hence the early dates.

Which makes them in my opinion only suitable for outdoors

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Thank you all for your responses. Here are the pictures of my plants.


Hi AfgVet,

I don’t believe I mixed them up. The largest plant I have is a Harlequin feminized. I was looking for high CBD levels so I chose that breed. This is my first crack at this and have more seeds, so I will continue to learn.



Thank you for your reply to my post. I would agree that these plants “auto’s” do well outdoors. I had transplanted the seedling in my raised bed garden and it grew like a “weed”!

However, I got paranoid about the plant being outside and brought it inside. Can’t be too careful.


Hello Pillsbury,

Thank you for your comment. It brings me hope. I let my tap water sit out for a day or so, so that the chemicals evaporate, then use it. I switch between tap water and water from a well.



Hello MrPeat,

Thank you for that bit of information. I will continue to care for them as instructed by the Bergman’s guide, and watch and wait.



Im kinda thinking like @AfgVet and u might have somehow got the photo and auto seed mixed up. A photo should not flower til it gets under 14 hours of loght. If there was a drastic change in times of lights on could trigger flower. Being outside could have triggered flower if u r at near or under 12 or 13 hrs of loght. Kinda weird that the auto still not showing tho if not mixed up. I can take the auto and put it in a dark closet for 12nto 24 hrs to boost the flower mode and see if that helps then go back to 18 6 or 12 12 if ur wanting photos to flower alsso. Good luck and welcome

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The seed I used is for the Harlequin Feminized plant that produces higher CBD levels.

Although, another comment suggested I may have mixed my seeds up. As these plants flower and grow weed when they receive less than 12 hours of light per day. I split my light 16 on 8 off. So, I see their point.


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Hello Mark0427

Thank you very much for that input. At least I have some things to try to prod the plants along. I can see why the seed mix-up would come to mind. I had the seedlings marked G (gold leaf) or W for (White Widow) and H for (Harlequin). Heck, its been a journey with the seeds, so perhaps its possible they were mixed. I don’t suppose, other than lab testing, how one could tell which is which. So, for now, I will watch and learn.



Hello BigMommaC

Thank you for your reply. I was lucky enough to have several folks reply. I 'm a bit technically challenged so had to figure out how to add the photo. LOL All is good!


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Yup my BB auto is on week 15 and still a lil ways to go.