A question of a fellow grower:
I ordered beginner mix pack. Supposed to be feminized seeds. My plants have 18 on 6 off light, I have not switched to 12/12.**
These plants seem to be flowering (attached ak47 pics) at 18/6 after about 7 weeks. Should I assume that I was accidentally sent autoflowering seeds? If so, Is it okay to put them on 12/12 with my other plants? Thanks, very fun to grow again.
Strain: ak47
Type (fem/auto/reg): supposed to be fem?
Climate (indoor/outdoor): Indoor
Medium (soil/hydro/details): Soil
pH of runoff or solution in reservoir: 6.5
Nutrient mix strength (EC/TDS): low
Light type & schedule: led at 18/6
Temperatures day & night: 70F
Humidity day & night: 40
Ventilation: Fan
AC: No need/ winter
Humidifier: no
De-humidifier: no
Co2: no
You were sent autos. I had the same issue when I ordered my Beginner Mixed Pack. Contact ILGM and they will make it right. I am just going to keep mine on 18/6 and ride it out. I stunted mine bad because of transplanting before I knew they were autos.
If you choose to run on 12/12. Your autos will be fine. Good luck
Thanks Bubblehead,
That’s what I figured. I’m in the same boat, I transplanted and topped these guys. Hopefully enough time to mature. I’m hopeful though. I know the bubblegum and ak47 are auto, but the white widows are a little to young to tell. Were your white widows autoflower too?
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Good to know kellydans,
I’m hoping to keep these autos with some non-autos when I switch to 12/12.
@HikkyBurr as kellydans said you can put them into 12/12 and they will be fine. Some of the research I have done indicates that 18/6 may be the best light schedule.
that might have been a mistake,
i would check the light timer too,
anything under 15 hrs of lights on could signal flowering,
sure looks/sounds like autos, but a timer check is pretty easy and cheap to do.!!