Nmgeo inside outside

Autoflower on the right @nmgeo? Think I see some preflower activity there.

Your new scrog table…. :thinking:

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Yeah WWa on right she just loves to grow up and i Fimmed her maybe :crazy_face: … Gonna bend her to the North very soon and yes she is showing her sex mildly. She will get the Earth Dust Boost this week.


Lookin good :+1: that wind yesterday was horrible :tired_face: we got gusts in the 50s


I was going to work outside today but with that wind there is no sense in it. At least with a big layer of mulch the gardens are still moist beneath.


So I did add Earth Dust Boost to the outside WWa today and bent her north like a solar panel :crazy_face: :green_heart:

Learn an important lesson when you are bending a girl over have all you supplies real close :crazy_face:

Anyway I bent her and let go to get ties and down she went past 90 degrees. Oh well I got green tape :crazy_face:

Few photos of my solar panel…

Now a side view

Had so much fun doing that celebrated with a few GrangeStone Scotch 18 yr old drinks … Lit here for sure :100: :fire:


Nice looking good

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Preflower @CurrDogg420 saw and I decided to boost and bend…

I will update tent later too dang smooth right now :sunglasses: that scotch hit the spot :100:


Congrats @nmgeo! Cheers my friend here’s some cake to celebrate!


Nice but that would knock my socks off right now. I am smooth as glue :crazy_face: :green_heart: :crazy_face:


Hey @Kj6879 stop in for awhile if you like.

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Here are the girls in the tent yesterday…


Girls in the tent today trimmed some; needed more :crazy_face: Added about one cup of Earth Dust Boost to each pot and a bit of Happy Frog to level.

Little buds sites on one of the Fimmed Girls.

Push pull to lower plant on right. Enjoyed that too much… :crazy_face:


They’re lookin great ready for a little stretch :grin:


I am ready for them to get up some too. Thanks Easy…

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I can’t remember if you were running any photoperiod plants outside in Earth Dust?

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Yes I have two Gold Leafs anD one WWa outside. Wind has been beating the sh!t out of them.


I thought I saw you had a couple out there. With dust outside you will need to top dress them with base (I’d do 1/2 what the bag says) about every 60 days until you go to boost for flower. I believe it was Ms Jane that asked them about it and this :point_down: was their answer

:point_down: copy paste from my notes :point_down:
Extended grow time

“The Base is geared to sustain the plants for 16-20 weeks with a 8-10 week veg period. If you are going to take them longer than that, you may want to scratch in a quarter to half application of Base around week seven of veg. You also can transplant into a larger pot using fresh Base amended medium around that same time


That is good information for sure… I really think going to 7gal on the GLp would be good idea too. If they survive the wind :crazy_face:

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The wind will toughen them up 4sure :laughing: and make em dry out fast. Pot size will make a difference on the size they will get especially when growing in living soil. With the fabric pots you can just put them in a bigger pot and fill in around it and the roots will grow through the first pot into the other one


Here a current shot of the three outside…

Old welding table works for sliding under like when it hails… :crazy_face: