Growers, I am new to growing anything and need some advice. I have a hydroponic tent that’s 24x24x60 and white widow auto flower seeds. My plan is to germinate 2 seeds at once and place in the tent. I only have 1, 5 gallon bucket. Once my seeds germinate, what is the next step? I believe I place them in a moist rooter plug and let them grow under the dome covering until they touch the top, then it’s on to the vegetative stage.
Any help or guidance provided is greatly appreciated! Let me know how many seeds I can grow in my tent without affecting the yield and any advice on my operation. I am new to this, but plan on being successful from the start.
First of all Welcome Okay you have a tent and seeds we need some more information like your choice of medium meaning soil, coco hydroponics a lot of us start our seeds in solo cups the best thing to do is fill out a support ticket and down load the grow bible from ILGM
Welcome to The Forum I found using a heated seeding mat. Is very helpful in germinating. I’ve done both paper towel and water soak method but I also put those on a seed heating mat. Since it is controlled Heat I find they develop a quicker Taproot. Also peat pots do not biodegrade fast enough especially for an auto bloom. I would poke several holes in the sides of a plastic Solo Cup. And plastic buckets work, but they should have plenty of holes as well not just in the bottom but the sides grow bags allow air to terminate the root instead of letting it circle around. This leads to better root development. If you’re growing Autos 3 gallons is likely enough. those bags typically average around $2 a bag and are reusable over the years. Take one step at a time and plan for the next. Ask lots of questions everyone’s willing to help.
First off, thank you for the responses. As a follow up to the questions, I ordered the signature hydroponic kit from thebudgrower. My seeds are at my house, but the tent kit doesn’t arrive until Monday. I’m assuming the kit comes with everything you need to grow successfully. Hopefully, I can get through my first growth with the kit and then make adjustments thereafter.
Wow! I miss that you were going to grow Hydro. Sorry I’ve been doing ceiling work all week. It would seem the blood hasn’t just run out of my arms but my head is well. LOL
I bought a small grow cabinet. It came set up for hydro. But I’ve been out and didn’t want to take any chances I just wanted to hurry and get a plant grown. Lol
Mine did come with everything though from the little expanding seed plugs to the air freshener. This spring I’ll be planting here and there around the ranch. But after this the next time I’ll try growing hydroponic. I’ve been a Rancher farmer all my life but I’ve never done Hydroponics.
You say it’s a tent setup but it’s probably works the same. Here’s a picture of what I have. The picture was taken on 2/12
The second was taken today 2/25. She’s an auto Gorilla Glue.
I do hydro.
2 plants in 5 gallon pail i wouldn’t do that 1 would be just fine. I use jack321 easy to use works great.
They can grow big in hydro if done right.
Interesting on the jack321. I’m looking for the easiest and laziest way to supply the biggest yield. Don’t quote me on this, but I believe my kit comes with 3 different nutrients. My plan is to germinate 1 seed in room temperature water, transfer to a rooter plug, once that grows big enough, then to vegetation. I’ll try to follow the grow bible for light duration, ph levels and all the other stuff, but appreciate the feedback nonetheless.
I germinate seed soak in water
Then i soak my plug in jacks full strength
And put sprout in tap root down place in pail .
I put light on low and hang about 30in above and wait for it to grow and
Jacks is about as easy as it gets really.
It’s a 3 part recipe and they’re mixed and dissolved into your water in a specific order and ratio to feed your plants. You can treat it as a base and use additives like microbes and bloom boosters, but as it is it’ll get you through a grow with great results.
I just finished a awesome clone grow with it but also used microbe blends, silica and MKP for a bloom boost.
Great stuff! And very cheap. Like a dime a 1g dose depending on the kit price you pay.
@TommyRuxpin these might put it into perspective. 2 plants, mid November at 2 weeks old in a 5 gallon bucket. Never intended on growing 2 just had an extra that germinated. Root picture is a week later. Big plant picture is the plant on the right when 2 were in the bucket last weekend