Hey everyone , to start off i absolutely love this site, and appreciate the opportunity to sponge up all this info ,im mixing a super soil and trying to make a personalized recipe and maybe simplify it in the future , note all of these products are already here and ready to mix but i feel like im wicked wicked hot im new to living soils and was never a soil grower other than my corn garden lol any changes are welcome im open to major changes im sure ill use all of this one way or another Screenshot_20200415-014229|243x500
@camoflouge312 Welcome to ILGM forum.
thank you im very very happy to be here !!
Welcome to the community. You have inly a couplw post’s you can do the first 24 hours here.
I try too keep it simple and use FF Happy Frog. I usually add only worm castings and 20 to 30% perlite (for aeration and to prevent compacting.) I do use mycos (it is really great stuff,) but mycos is expensive so rather than mixing it into the soil I will sprinkle around a tablespoon as I layer in each 2 or 3 inches of soil.
Good luck and welcome to the community.
Welcome to the forum!
I can’t help with your soil recipe, it’s not something I do. But we have a few members that do, hopefully they will be by soon.
thank you to the tip!! and happy to be here!!
no worries! any advice is good advice, im hoping someone can let me know if im to hot and what to use to fill that out
Does not look too hot to me.
Let’s ask @Skydiver and @Budbrother!
awesome and thank you for the tags the more the merrier!!!
It’s semi hot but should be fine after cooking it for a month.
I also see a shit ton of N and no K in the mix.
thanks @Budbrother!! i appreciate the help guys i read this and ordered two bags of prewashed loose growit coco coir to add into the mix and ill still cook it
i noticed alot of my amendments only have slight amounts of k is there a specific one that focuses on potassium
Langbanite is 0-0-22
aweskme thank you i just ordered a 5 lb dte package of it , should i add all 5 lbs?
No it’s a ratio thing. Too much of any one thing causes lockouts on the others.
okay thanks , tbh im nervous i wont get my amounts right , is there a ratio chart that would cover all of this by any chance? subcool adds things in a certain order but my batch has alot more in it , i know i was gonna go light on the blood meal and bat guano , and use the bat guano as a light top feed throughout veg, and id go light on the fish bone meal and use some of that as a light top feed for bloom
Yeah I don’t do super soil; I do living soil. I’m really not the guy to help you with that. Maybe @garrigan62 has a chart or can offer more insight.
I’m glad i asked you guys , now do i have the proper ingredients for a living soil?