New short grow - Gold Leaf, Big Bud, Chocolope and Amnesia Haze

Hey all,

After finally getting one little guy in the ground and recently receiving my 20 new seeds for next season, I thought I’d drop a couple in some wet paper towel to do a short grow.
1 seed each of the above and will keep you all posted how it goes.
Will be in the ground not long after getting some leaves out of soil. Some more geurilla growing for me!!


3 out of 4 germinated and in soil tonight. Big Bud, Chocolope and Golden Leaf.

Amnesia Haze popped too

Checked this morning and all the new leaves have been eaten by some little critters. Sprayed some neem oil, hopefully that gives them a fighting chance. Any other ideas?

One has pulled through, Gold Leaf. Just got first set of leaves.

going good