Hey all,
Starting my next grow if you would like to follow along.
This grow…
2- Gold Leaf
2- Big Bud
1- Blue Dream
All seeds from ILGM
This years grow I’ll be using sunshine mix #4 with Flower Power nutrients. I purchased 2 flower power starter packs hoping it will be enough for 5 plants.
Started Germination 30 hours ago
Both Gold Leaf have been planted into seedling starter soil. One of the Big Bud have been planted as well. Waiting for the 2nd Big Bud to get a big enough tap root to plant. The Blue Dream has not cracked open yet but am confident it will soon. I’ve never had an issue with ILGM seeds not germinating.
I germinate using the paper towel method.
I got to get these sucker growing. There are so many new strains on ILGM and I want to try them all but they keep adding more before I grow the strains I have. Lol
Update 1/11/18
Hello all, just wanted to update everyone in the progress…
Started out rocky. We have had very cold weather in my neck of the woods Andy have had the wood stove cranked up which is sucking the moisture out of the air like you wouldn’t believe.
I planted all the seeds into small peat pots to let sprout misting them with a spray bottle a few times a day to keep them moist.
After a few days of misting I realized that misting them just wasn’t going to be enough with the wood stove going so I started pouring some water on them to keep them moist.
Thought I was going to loose one of the big bud plants because it was floppy but after putting the water to them all have sprouted are doing great.
All are still fairly small at the moment due to the hiccup with getting the moisture content correct.
First group of pics are 6 hours after upping the moisture in the peat pots.
I would like to add that I have small pest problem at the moment. Very tiny flys are swarming around. I’ve tried DE but didn’t seem to do much.
This weekend I’m going to clean out the tent thoroughly and spray it down with something to see if can rid mysef of the annoying buggers.
In the 2nd set of pics you can see I added some organic granulars that are supposed to help with pests. Worked a little bit bit still have them flying around. They are kinda of like fruit flys.