Welcome to the community. Nice plant, I think it’s time to move up to a bigger size pot.
@Antigua welcome and I agree with kellydans. Also, I know that a support ticket always helps the community help you.
I would have to agree. Time to up pot
Welcome to the community. Advice is already given to transfer to a bigger pot.
And, looks overwatered, as a guess.
Water was my guess as well… no doubt she wants a bigger house also… but I think your loving her a little too much. Plus a watched plant never grows…lol
Thanks for the reply’s I have been misting them regularly today and they are recovering will pot them up tomorrow.
They were too dry I have been misting them every hour you can see how they have picked up. They are ILGM super skunk they were sown on the 31st Jan
I call bull crap on that, I watch mine more than anything else I do and after a few hours and a quick nap in the room bam! Growth! Lol