Hey gang! I’m a first time grower doing auto flowers. I’m having continuing trouble with these beautiful plants. They keep getting what looks to me like heat stress (?).
I’ve posted twice before and gotten some helpful guidance, but it has been a few weeks.
Here are my first two threads:
I’ve taken some further readouts since my last post, and just today, I swapped the water in their tank for the first time - I fear I was getting close to nut burn or just wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case. I haven’t added any new nuts to this fresh round of water - I just made sure to balance it to 5.7 PH.
The weather here has been chilly at night and warm in the day, so I run their lights from 7pm to 10 am so they get their sun in the coolest part of the day. This means they usually don’t go above 77f or below 72f.
Originally, I had read they could handle temps as high as 82f, but more recently learned they shouldn’t go above 77f. I know everyone has a slightly different take, so I’m open to hearing that or taking questions!
PH usually stays around 6. I’ve tried to lower it to 5.7 but I’ve also feared i might be forcing them too much and don’t want to bother them with PH swings.
Let me know if I’m being overly cautious or should be doing anything better!
Thank you for taking the time to help a newbie out! PS: this is using the Aerospring so you can see the kit. I’ve got a humidifier and fan in there as well as a desk fan blowing in the side panel. It gets too warm in there too fast imo.
Kill it and start over and call it a learning experience as that plant is beyond saving in my book
Oh dang, you think so? All five of them, huh? I guess that also leaves me with the question of: what will change it in the next round?
Conditions don’t seem terribly off, so going at it again with the same technique would be a non-starter if you know what I mean?
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I’m iffy on that Aerospring… It might be fine, but I don’t personally trust it.
I don’t have experience with Hydro, however I’m wondering, what nutrients are you using?
Also, you want pH of 5.8 for Hydro. However I don’t think pH is your issue… But I’d recommend going for 5.8.
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Actually, I just realized that your nutrients seem week either way possibly. If your nutrients are anything like Jacks 321, which is what I use, your EC should be around 1.8 to 2, not .568. Seems like they might be starving?
I’m no pro though do don’t go throwing a bunch of nutrients in your res lol.
That’s because of the fresh flush I mentioned. They were actually closer to 1000-1300 a few days ago.
Any reason you’re iffy on it from personal experience or anything? Or just a hunch?
Also, this is aero, not hyrdo. Not sure how much of a difference that makes, but I read a few people loving it for their grows. Either way, it’s what I’m working with and won’t be changing anytime soon 
Just looking for advice I can work with
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Here’s a pic of where they were at previously
No personal experience with Hydro at all. I just know that cannabis is going to need a lot of room to grow, including its roots, which I feel like this thing isn’t going to have the room for either…
Training certainly can be performed to alleviate the actual plant growth issues, but nothing you could do for the roots. Suppose you can trim the roots back like people do when they repot non cannabis plants, but I feel like that’ll cause undue stress, especially if you run autoflowers. You want autoflowers to grow as fast as possible… Autoflowers can also limit training options as well since it can/does cause stress to the plant, stunting growth… Most Hydro setups have a LOT more room for roots in them for cannabis from what I have seen.
Just read you said it’s an aero set up which I know ever less about lmao. If you are determined to get it working, and you do indeed get it working, just keep in mind the things I mentioned above.
That thing is neat though. I would love to have it for my veggies and stuff lmao
Oh, there’s tons of room for the roots. They grow down into the basin of it.
Not even close to a problem for me. I wish I had that issue haha
My problem is getting to that stage. Sadly, two of the five plants never made it to the points their roots dangle down at all.
The other three got bigger but started browning on the tips even before i added nutes (about week 2-3). I think that was heat related since it was getting close to 84F in the hot summer days. I’ve done a bit to mitigate that.
All that being said, from what other people have said, hydro/aero needs a lot lower PPM so about half of what you recommended might be good for me going forward, but I’m the total noob here 
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One question we still need answered. What nutes are you using?
Ok so yeah, just follow their schedule for Hydro. Shows you EC targets even.
I hate to agree with one of the people that had commented i would kill and start again it looks like it has been burnt to a crisp either by nutrients or ur light ride it off as i learning curve
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@Tezza2 Well by all means don’t agree if you wish not too, but seems like you do, so deal with that how you wish! Lol!!! Either way I will smoke a bowl whilst yous figure it out.
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