Hi! I am a brand new grower, had 2 seedlings I sprouted on windowsill while waiting for grow tent to come. They did stretch a bit, but really looked pretty ok. At 12” I transplanted and moved to grow tent under VS4000 LED grow light 18/6. That was 6 days ago. They have not grown and one is developing burnt leaf tips. Ave Temp running 25C, humidity at 45 only if I keep extraction fan off. Any advice on better temp humidity control as well as how I could try to salvage these plants is appreciated.
What soil are using? Also are you using tap water? Always need to check the ph of any water you are using. pH should always be between 6.2 and 6.8
Second @Tdevine what soil are you in and what kind of water are you using?
Any advice how to get the get humidity up? I want to add humidifier-but concerned the water mist will be spraying toward LEDS, is that not a problem?
I’m using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil-added nothing to it and tap water. I do know souk a bit too alkaline, first mistake I assumed it was at good starting ph due to quality soil, found out after its about 7.5 straight from bag. My water a bit alkaline as well-I’m trying to determine best way to lower ph of soil plant is currently growing in, what should I add for quickest result?
Point the humidifier tube towards the floor…
Vinegar added to water to reduce ph. Also
ph down can be bought on amazon.
Are you letting your tap water set uncapped for 24 hrs to remove chlorine from the water
I have the same light and you want to drop down to 25% when you add any thing new to the tent. Let it adjust a few days. That is one serious light.
Check your ph run off.
Hmm… if it were me I would treat it as a fresh cutting. It’s so young at this point it don’t really matter.
I would cut off the nasty little lower leaves. Maybe cut the tips off. Force some more energy to the roots. Plus you will be removing the unhealthy stuff.
I would also let the pot dry out a lot more. You don’t want those little roots to be saturated with so much water that they can’t breath. Roots love oxygen!
I don’t do ph so I can’t help ya there. Lol
Everything that happens under the soil will highly effect what the above plant looks like.
Happy soil = Happy plant.