New Grower failing miserably 0 for 2

Thank you!. I will switch them to 18/6. I will, however, keep them in the tent as they would disappear if outside LOL.
Here’s another question. When should I feed them? I’m watering in the morning and only when i stick my finger into the soil for several inches and it is dry. I almost overwatered i think, and got some curled up leaves, they seem to be better now. I have the food from ILGM and I also have liquid feed Foxfarm liquid Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom.


I took the liberty to edit your post since sharing of personal details is a violation of forum policy. I would highly suggest to read them before posting again.

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Depending on the type of Fox Farms soil, you should be ok for 5 or 6 weeks before you start feeding. Then I would introduce nutrients at half strength for a while.

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thank you again!

Thank you! and what did i add that was personal?

I did read it, but must have missed something

@covertgrower - Myst is likely replying to this thread via email and has an email signature enabled. It is almost certainly unintentional.

thank you! yes it was unintentional. I’ve changed my signature.



Good deal.

to the topic owner; If I were you I would never use Fosfarm nutrients. The soil is great, but the nutrients are crap and hard to keep PH consitent.

There are many good brands out there that buffer the PH and make growing much easier for you. Bergman’s Nutrients are great and super simple to use, but we have been out of stock since the pandemic and we unable to produce more.

If I can find a few minutes, I will look up some good nutrients to give you an informed choice of what is available. Happy growing. lw


Amen!! Do what mother nature intended. I grow in all organic soils and I love it. There is no mixing nutes or measuring runoff or any of that tedious stuff. I make and water with compost teas 2-3 times a month, and topdress with frass every 10 days.


Yes. Good idea. Not only that; If you go organic tea and such, you could implement KNF inputs such as LABs, FPJ, OHN, etc. utube KNF Chris Trump and watch his videos onj hiow to make your own ntrients. This science has beenn used for 1000’s of years and is growing in use every day.


Great advice. I am growing White Widow without all the pricey
addons. Best one is 21inches tall, in a pot, starting to show buds, smells great. On a 12/12 program. No tent, no fancy lights. Good Luck to you!

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Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it.

These are all destined to be in pure organics in a bout 3 weeks time… iys not as hard as people make it out to be. In fact, you can grow pretty stellar pot in straight healthy farm soil… no need for fancy additives… the only caveat is the soil will only ne really good for 1 year and you have to treat it like any other garden soil… add compost, maybe animal manures, make teas etc. Use seaweed and kelp products too. Its not hard and cannabis is pretty resilient.

For those that think… what? He only has 8 plants there? Well when you pull at least 2 pounds a plant… thats a lot a cannabis! The math is simple… farm dirt x 8 plants x 1 season = 16 pounds of pot.


I’d like to see that. That claim is a tall order indoors. Just sayin’ :slight_smile:


I use a series of peat pots that allow me a little bit of mobility and I have them ultimately planted in a 5-gallon bag I never moved the roots I just transplanted them from one into the other into their final destination and it worked very well. The one problem I am having is part of the peat pot is above the ground and I find that it wicks moisture out of the ground too quickly so I have to bury it.

@latewood everyone knows I dont flower cannabis indoors lol…


Evidently not, because I did not know. Nice…

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Sall good @latewood … I cant flower indoors because my wife cant tolerate the nose on em lol.

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Oh …you are so lucky. At least you can or are allowed to flower outside. I still have to hide. :wink:


@Cannabian what do you mean by farm dirt?