Brother. You haven’t lived till you feel that icy cold blast contract your lungs on the first inhale.
Cmon up for a winter and see who’s got no stones there my southern friend. .
Have a safe one fellas.
Smoke em if ya got em.
Brother. You haven’t lived till you feel that icy cold blast contract your lungs on the first inhale.
Cmon up for a winter and see who’s got no stones there my southern friend. .
Have a safe one fellas.
Smoke em if ya got em.
You’re a fast one Monsieur @Budbrother
I came back Thursday night Brother and was laid up until Sunday
Dan has more stones that he needs at the moment
Make some snow ice cream for the kids
Snow,milk, sugar and vanilla
I should have set a bucket out earlier. I don’t trust even the white snow on the ground here lol
All in moderation
I’m up in Rhode Island enjoying their cold blast and a couple more j cues of snow lol. Bit Mr Vet and the animals are well down South
Good to hear Pam, it’s a bitter 22 here with snow in the forecast. Safe travels on your return when that happens
That was our recipe
That looks pretty darn good. Our city got the most snow in the greater major city area. We got 6" yesterday. It was definitely the snowfall of the century for us.
Covered up down here . Silver lining is I’m stuck working from home and might make some of @kaptain3d maple taffy
morning OG…glad you got to stay home…
Very easy to do with just a can of Maple syrup!
Enjoy you snow my friend, but be careful of the “yellow spots”…
I’m not even getting out of my PJs
The F is that
We don’t get much maple syrup down here.