Nervous about more training

Also started adding silica at the beginning of the week. I read on the forum that you shouldn’t mess with the branches after starting silica.

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Do you, specifically only mix silica with water? You don’t mix it with other nutrients? What I’m asking, silica once a week with water only. Right?

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You can mix silica with other nutrients, but it must be added first. Silica takes quit awhile to dissolve into the water. Mix in the silica and let it sit for at least an hour before added the rest of your nutrients. It is also very basic so it will raise the pH.

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No shit. So I’ve been mixing it totally wrong. Thanks for letting me know.

So I’ve been mixing it wrong for 2 weeks. Should I back off or keep doing what I was doing?

I would just correct the mixing process and keep going

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I run silica the whole time and train LST and even super crop while feeling silica

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Appreciate the help. :facepunch:

Does silica in liquid form take that long to mix or just granular???

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Good question.

Yes it does, I use GH armor SI.


I knew about the adding 1st and the Ph rise but not the delute time.