I am using 50/50 mix fox farm ocean forest and happy frog. I’m growing in a 4x2x2 grow tent with a 4in carbon filter. With the VIPARSPECTRA P2000 LED Grow Lights. At 50% on a 18:6 schedule. They have been growing really FAST the last couple weeks. inches a day. The ppms are getting down there after I transplanted a couple weeks back and will water today to check ppm and ph. The ph pen I have is having some issues so I’m still waiting on the apera pen. So the ph might be off but it shouldn’t by that much. Let me know what you guys think. My biggest fear as a first time grower is giving too much nutrients. I’m using the fox farm trio and it’s just a bit confusing which nutrients I should add first or which they need. I started these plants on November 17th! With 3 plants, I have 2 green crack which are biggest and So-Fi which is the smallest.
All in all I think the grow is going pretty well for the very first grow of mine. Definitely want to make it to the harvest! Thanks everyone for the advice and help along the way!
Okay! I’m thinking about switching medium next planting. But nutes and medium do you use? Just a bit confusing trying to figure out which nutrients to give them tbh
Have you ever used the trio? I’m a little confused how to add the nutrients because I haven’t added any since I’ve planted and it’s been a little over a month since I planted so do I just follow the steps for like a month in or something on the chart?
A good mix that many use
Typically you’re looking at 4-6 weeks on fresh soil before nutrients is needed.
When you transplanted that new fresh soil added will add to that time if not start the 4-6 weeks over.
I grow mostly in coco-coir and perlite so I feed nutrients every watering with my coco plants, but when I do grow in soil, I often don’t have to add any nutrients till well into flowering if there was a transplant, if not a transplant then typically just before or right at flowering with most autoflowers.
Lots of variables that can change this but that’s “the norm”.
Checking runoff numbers is a good way to know, as stated above 1000ppm is usely the target.
I watch for my runoff ppm to drop below 800ppm or so then I feed to get it up around 1000ppm.
For example if runoff is coming out around 500ppm then I would feed 500ppm or a little over. If coming out at 600ppm then I’d feed 400ppm or a little over if that makes sense.
Crank that baby up at this point, the middle one and the one to the left is in flower and the other one probably will be transitioning soon.
They can handle 100% of the light’s power and you think they grew fast so far
Turn it up to 100% and watch them explode
Amazing looking plant’s for a first grow and compared to the average, you’re doing alot better then “pretty well”
You will make it to harvest I’ve no doubt…
Coco-coir and perlite mixed useing GH Flora series “aka trio” or GH maxi-series which is a one part powered or Jack’s 321.
All those nutrient lines are tried and true.
General Hydroponics trio or maxi-series (Maxi-gro and Maxi-bloom) is what I’ve used exclusively for many years now.
I’ve never had a ph issue that was caused by the nutrients used, PH issues in the latter part of a grow is most always due to bad watering habits, as microbes live and die as oart if the natural cycle, it’s important to get a decent bit if runoff so the ph doesn’t drop from the biological breakdown of organic matter.
If you search under my profile, everything I’ve ever grown was useing GH trio or GH maxi-series no matter the media used.
@Bryce I should have pointed out that the guy in the video says “EC” instead of ppm but they are basically the same thing, only different ways of saying the same thing.
So when you hear EC, that basically means ppm or tds
Damn man thanks for all of the information! You really helped me out! Okay so that’s what I was wondering if the first 2 were in flowering yet. Not trying to sounds stupid at all but it’s definitely my first time fucking around with plants and stuff so is this what the beginning of the buds look like?
Also turned my lights up to 100% but not sure how far away the lights should be or if they are too close and when should I switch to a 12/12 ? Or leave them on 18:6?
Really appreciate it man. Definitely been fun as hell so far watching them grow from a seed to this so far. Had to save them a couple times because people were telling me to add nutes way to soon as a beginner.
You’re asking good questions and in my opinion that’s not what stupid people do so no worries
And yeah that’s what i would call “transition” stage frkm veg to flower.
They stop growing new limbs and bud sights and start growing buds, it doesn’t happen instantly but rather over a week or 2, you notice the spaceing between branches and bud sights will often grow very rapidly for a couple weeks and during that period they start to “bunch up” on the tips and quickly start to have groups of white hairs in those tips.
At about 3 weeks into flower or fost signs of transition, you’ll notice they want grow much taller but rather they start to focus on growing flowers/buds.
Looks like that light should be between 18-24 inches above the canopy in flower.
If they start to show signs of light stress, they tend to first “taco” meaning the leaves turn up on the edges looking like a taco.
Kinda like this.
That’s one i have that shows prolonged light stress as it’s also faded on the top half if the plant.
It’s in a tent with 5 others thats loving the light so it is what it is in my case
I wouldn’t worry about the 18/6 or 12/12, ive done autos on both and they don’t seem to care either way.
Of course it dose effect the DLI so if light stress happens, going to 12/12 could be an option to fix it.
Okay man thanks for all the information! I will end up watering tomorrow and test runoff ppm and ph and reply to your comment tomorrow and let you know the ppms and ph so you can give me the best advice possible. However keep in mind the ph may be off because the ph pen is bad I think so I ordered the apera pen on amazon and I’m still waiting on it to come lol
Just watered my plants! And the ppm of the Green crack 1 is 879 and ph is around 5.5 keep in mind ph may be off because of my ph pen. The second Green crack ppm was the lowest with it being at 584 and ph was 5.8. The smallest plant (so-fi) the ppm was 687 and ph was 5.6. I’m wondering if I need to start adding nutes to any of them?