Nutrient feed rate calculator

@MidwestGuy @1HappyPappy and anyone else who’s interested:

Based on your recent posts here: Needing to add nutes soon. Any advice? - #7 by MidwestGuy and here: Needing to add nutes soon. Any advice? - #8 by 1HappyPappy

I’ve developed an Excel spreadsheet that calculates how much of each nutrient to feed next time, given a target ppm and the measured ppm of the runoff.

The values in the yellow cells must be entered by the user, but once that’s done, only cell B2 must be updated.

Do you think others would find it useful? I can up it to a filehost if you’d like to try it out.


I would like to have it. If there is a way.


@DRsDank: Happy to oblige and honored to have your interest!

Download link:

Here’s a screenshot of a test case for the latest version, which corrects some errors I’d made.


Downloaded. Don’t know when I will start using. But will be helpful at some point I’m sure. @Growdoc don’t know if interested thought I would holler though.


Would this work for a hydro grow?


I’m using Jacks 321 how would i set up? I never know how much nutes to add to res. It’s a real battle.

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Looking at it, may give it a go next round!


I think it would If you know how many tsp/gallon the manufacturer recommends for each nute for your current growth phase.

I don’t grow hydro, though, so there may be a hitch I’m unaware of. Let’s see if any hydro people answer.

“Nutrient 1” etc. can be edited to read “Grow Big” or whatever’s meaningful to you.

BTW, the numbers in the “Feed next time” column have 1 more digit past the decimal than is needed in practice. That’s temporary, to make it easier to check my math.

I’m hoping @MidwestGuy and @1HappyPappy will visit, to ensure I’ve implemented their system correctly.

Hi @MidwestGuy and @1HappyPappy. I created this thread and tagged you because I hoped you’d both look at my spreadsheet and see if it implements your “1000 ppm system” correctly. Maybe it got lost in the shuffle over the holidays, so I’m trying again.