Need some help with spotting leaves

I e been fighting this on this plant from the beginning, and today it is really bad. I thought it was a calcium deficiency. I’ve tried everything I know. I’ve checked ph which is in line, I’ve fed cal mag, and epsom. It’s ffhf soil, and organic nutrients. Any ideas. Week four of flowering.

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What is your runoff ppm? Ph runoff? Looks like a potassium or phosphorus deficiency.


The first pic does look like it maybe a very sarly K deficiency. But looking at both id still lean calcium.

How much calmag are you supplementing?

And what are your runoff numbers? PH and ppm

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Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you are not sure, just bring it to our attention. We will figure it out.

  1. Indoor or outdoor? - size of grow?
  2. Otigin of seeds?
  3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower?
  4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water?
  5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution?
  6. Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain.
  7. Nutrients or fertilizer system used.
  8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate.
  9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night?
  10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night?
  11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
  12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"?
  13. Co2 Yes / No?
  14. How long have you been growing?
  15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully?
  16. If you grow hydro, then please explain your hydro method. DWC, R-DWC, Ebb and Flow, Or; Other? Other?

16b. Size and temperature of solution in reservoir?

Always try to upload a clear picture in white light of any issues you may have to allow the community to identify your issue.

Anything you feel would help us give you more informed advice should be included. Feel free to elaborate at the end of the survey.


I haven’t measured ppm, because I don’t typically get runoff, and it’s organic. I use 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of cal mag.

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Here is some additional information

Maybe up the calmag another half a spoon or so. Im still leaning its a cal issue.

Next water/feed. Get you some runoff just for testing purposes. At least get your pH of runoff

I just measured some runoff, and ph is 6.5, and ppm is 1960. Again, this is organic, and my understanding the PPM for organic was not relevant?

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It can be. I grow organic and ill check PPM amd PH periodically. Stuff happens sometimes and a plant will use more or less nutrients, or temps might aggrevate, the possibilities are endless. Even though we try to make a perfect growing world, nothing is perfect lol. Like @PurpNGold74 suggested, up the calmag a little.

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Got it. Thanks.

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If everything is in range, then its the amount. Bit more calmag will do u right

Cool, I gave it extra. We’ll see, and I’ll just remove the bad leaves as they become non productive. There’s plenty of leaves.


rust fungus?

I don’t know. Looks calcium related. I flushed it with a bunch of water, with the last gallon containing recharge and fish sh!t. Removed a ton of leaves, so we’ll see.

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Not saying it is not nute related but another option to look for to rule out is critters. Have you looked at all leaves affected at the underside with a scope for bugz?

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Yes, I have not found anything. Everything I look at points to calcium deficiency. Looks just like the pics. I’ve grown using my particular method multiple times, and never faced it before. Now I’m worried I killed my organic soil by flushing. I guess time will tell.

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Cool, wanted to make sure we covered all bases.

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I never was able to get the leaf issue under control. Today is day 63 of 12/12. Trichomes are all cloudy, but not much for amber on the buds, but the on the small bud leaves there’s quite a few amber. Giving it a few more days.

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