Need Input. Stunted Growth? Drooping Leaves, Something Wrong Maybe?

Hey guys got another update on the plants, here is day 30 and I’m not to sure about them still as they are runts and haven’t really grew any new growth or new leaves. I will say that the two newer ones in the Solo cups have come along more than the others. Any suggestions on what may be happening?

I’ve been short on money so far this grow but I’ve accumulated enough to get the foxfarms trio, a pH reader as well as a tds meter. They should be arriving tomorrow thanks to Amazon prime :grin:. Other than that let me know what you guys are thinking maybe get some input on why the leaves are dropping on some of the plants. Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA: *Random seeds accumulated over the years

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? *Soil in pots

System type? *N/A

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? *N/A until tomorrow

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS. *N/A til tomorrow

Indoor or Outdoor: *Outdoor

Light system, size? *Sun 10+ hrs sunlight

Temps; Day, Night. * Days *67-80/ Nights *47-60s

Humidity; Day, Night. *Days 20-30s / *Nights 55-75

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: * Winds Breeze lol

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier. *N/A

Co2; Yes, No. *Nope other than me talking to them and blowing smoke on them.

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It looks like they had been under watered your soil looks fairly dry I normally use my hands stick your finger in the soil if it’s not wet about an inch down then they’re not Getting enough water if it is wet then I would say they are overwatered

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Hmmm it’s probably over watering considering I hadn’t watered them in about 2 days when I made the video yesterday, I’ll let em air out another day maybe? They all have moisture still to the second knuckle but not a lot.

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Yeah definitely one more day to dry and then do a light spray for your first water underwater them a little

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Alright will do hog. Thanks for your input my friend! Gotta love ILGM!!

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Yeah I’m getting ready to transplant an Afghan it’s been in flour for a little over a week and a half I think I’m gonna put it back in to veg out doors should be a beautiful thing it’ll take a while for it to get back into routine but it should get big I will be posting pictures on my Afghan page I’ll send you a link to

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Oooooh nice it it an auto or photo? Would that cause a stress or shock? Im definitely looking forward to seeing that beauty! Man I’ll tell you what though, these plants have taught me how to be more patient that’s for sure haha :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have both autos and photos going to the Afghan is a photo of chronic window is a photo and I think I have like four autos going to Indore now and like eight outdoor

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Damn haha sounds like it’s gonna be a nice harvest, are you scroging or super cropping?