Need help identifying sex

First time grower here. I have no idea the origin of the seed, some random bag seed. Figured I’d try this first before spending money on seeds that could potentially die due to my lack of knowledge. Anyhow, can someone help identify this plants sex please

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I think it’s a little too early to tell if male or female. But someone with more knowledge than me will be around shortly. Welcome to the best place you can be. Happy growing. :sunglasses::call_me_hand::v:

Thanks Dman! Yeah I love this site for sure, it has helped me along so far

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Its a bit early to be sure but those look kinda banana like or dude like. I think I see a pod there but no white pistols coming out of it. So just be patient and you will know soon enough. This is what a girl looks like

Do you see the pod has very obvious white hairs? Some plants dont show this for 2 months or more! Others in 5 or 6 weeks.

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Yeah mine looks nothing like that. I can see what appears to be pollen sacs or balls in a lot of places :confounded:

Most likely a dude then. No worries, is that the only plant you have? Its totally realistict when using regular seed to get slightly less than half be male. So its usually a good idea to plant 3 seeds if you want 1 female plant.

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I do have 3 other plants that were started after this guy. I did them in a couple week intervals. They’re all growing but are in slightly poor environments. The plant pictured is 8weeks old, approximately 1ft tall and from tip to tip of largest fingers is about 9inches

Can someone tell me what I got here?


It’s too early to tell. Give it a couple of weeks. And welcome to the best place you can possibly be!! Happy growing and Keep on keeping on!! :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:


Dman got ya covered. Give it a little time you’ll know. Welcome to the forum

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Thanks for the quick response brother…

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Thank you…


Glad I could help out! :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand: