Need alittle help with ff feeding schedule

High everybody, Im new to ff . Just a guick question. Right above starting at week 8 if im getting this right you start feeding 2 time a week instead of one. Im outside in 20 gal. holes in the ground , thanks for any help

I feed every other watering, could be once a week, could be twice, all depends how thirsty the girls are… But all I use the instructions for is what week is it and measurements needed for that week… I actually never even noticed that was on there until now, but I will stick with every other, not broke, don’t fix, lol…

So far so good, about 2/3 the way through my first grow…

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Thanks for the info. I found another feeding sch. for soil and it doesnt have the feed twice thing on it

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By the way good luck with yours

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You would probably be beter off feeding once a week or maybe feed , water , water , feed , repeat…
Since there in the ground it would be pretty hard to flush if you over do it with your nutrients… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

Actually, after i got my four holes dug im in ky. U.S.A. dont want that felony, i capped an 8 in piece of pvc, drilled lots of holes in it, inserted clear tubing, placed the contraption in the beveled bottom of the hole and put creek gravel on top of that put my soil in and ran the tubing far enough to be below the hole so now i can siphon any excess liquid, we have hard clay here and wont drain for shit. It rained several times before i was ready and i notice that the freakin water was collecting in the holes and would hardly go anywhere so i came up with this and it works great so actually do have a way to flush and i will try it . But your right just feed once a week . I think the reason for that, i may be wrong is when you feed, the plant uses what it needs at the time, and stores enough of the nutes for basically a week or so
plus what nutes are still in soil. Well i didnt mean to write a book thanks for reply


Ron330 im new to how to navigate and read these replies sometimes. I wrote and sent that last reply before i read yours my bad. Anyway i understand , every
other watering if that means your feeding 2 maybe 3times a week thanks

I would have done the same thing… smart thinking. … :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:


this mite help i hope


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I thought you were supposed to feed FF whenever needed or twice a week and then flush and repeat. Which one is correct? Thanks.

Only once a week in bloom do i give open sesame, beastie blooms, cha ching.
The rest of the time I follow the chart , and add call mag + and some humic acid.
Sorry call mag + stops in flower. .

I only use the FF trio pack. I’m only a sophomore though.

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This is my first time with ff nutes so im going a little light on the nutes not to light. Im doing the trio and open sesame, b.bloomz, and c.ching feeding every other watering , thats my plan not sure if its the best plan but i think it will work

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No need to do all that flushing just feed them ok


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So, do you feed them 2 times and then flush with regular water, that’s what I did last year. Thanks.


Most people say go lighter on ff nutes at first does that include the open sesame, beasty blooms and cha ching they call for at least a quarter tsp should you go lighter than that


Thanks everybody for your reply