Should I feed her again or should I flush nutes?

Hello, Awesome people of this amazing career, hope y’all doing well!
So yeah, i’m debating between feeding her as i regularly do following week 7 FF feeding plan or should i just do the flush skipping weeks 7 ? I’m asking because I see my plant it’s actually making nugs but i have also noticed yellow tipping on some of the leaves so i don’t wanna over nut her but i also wanna make sure what i’m doing by asking you guys before i actually do it! lol oh Btw I gave her molasses with 6.0 water and CalMag 4 days ago and 4 days before that i gave her nuts from week 6 FF feeding plan . THANKS A LOT! :pray::star::star::star::star::star: @Caligurl @Nicky @SKORPION


You re close enough for a flush imo but you can wait another week if you want to be on the safe side


I feel like after judging the plant and the fresh white pistils that she still has a couple weeks left before she starts trying to finish. I wouldn’t flush her at this point if it were mine but to each their own


what @imSICKkid said


Yup, I agree with she has a few weeks to go until you reevaluate.


You are actually talking about the flush that is scheduled when following the Fox Farm soil feeding schedule and not a preharvest flush, correct? @imSICKkid @outdooring @GreenSnek @Caligurl
I believe FF puts that flush in there to be really really safe. When I used the FF Trio I only had to flush one grow and that was because I got carried away (overly aggressive) with the nutes.
It looks healthy, I don’t see any deficiencies or excess nutrient burn so I would pass on the flush and do a normal feed. Are you monitoring runoff ph & ppm regularly? If you see a negative change in those numbers a flush then might be in order (ph drops or ppm increases more than you want)


I use FF and even bought the Sledgehammer… used it my first grow but never again… only flushed when just about ready to harvest or if something seems really wrong

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Yeah I learned not to follow the feeding charts, and honestly I disregard half my ppms. Fox farms will give you readings of 3000 or 4000 sometimes ignore it, or stop looking at it.


@GreenSnek @imSICKkid @Caligurl @outdooring @beardless @SKORPION First of all, Thanks a lot guys for taking the time to help me. :nerd_face::call_me_hand:t2:
Yes I was talking about the feeding chart from FoxFarm, (the first trio among with boomerang) I’m also growing in FoxFarm Ocean Forest, Coco coir, and perlite which gives me a full 4 to 5 weeks without feeding any nuts but straight ph balanced water (your ph preference) i’ve been leaving mine at 6.0 and im watering every fourth day or i carry her to check how heavy she is.
On the 5th week i introduced her to the nuts that were shown at FoxFarm Nuts chart but i lowered all the amounts to a minimum (you know, kind of testing her out, lol) and she responded positive so on the next watering four day after that gave her 1/2 tsp molasses 1/2 Calmag with water, you know!:smile: :thinking:…after that, on week 6 i amped up the nuts a bit more and i just notice on this week a little bit of the leaves edges curling up a lil but maybe i overwater a bit but she got back on track a few days after. Nugs keep on getting denser and bigger. something i just didn’t do on time and as a first timer i didn’t know how to or even worse, i didn’t know it was necessary to train a plant, so yeah, i didn’t train her to expose more the nugs and not to grow as a little Xmas tree that she is right now! :joy: i still love her, tho! Her name is Gaia! i will keep you posted, guys, thanks a lot and btw, i just got my new Vivosun 4 x 4 x 8 grow tent , i got it on a flash deal, lets see the quality of this company, i hope zippers are smooth and the light doesn’t get in or out, i don’t expect like a :100: % on things from companies cause im more of a do it yourself type of guy so at least im expecting a good 90% in quality, the rest, i think i can fix! :nerd_face: so yeah, i’m super glad to be part of this awesome awaken side of society that this blog has created! :v:t2::sunglasses:


Nice plants you have. Looking good.


Sorry I was a little late to this discussion but I’ll share a couple key points with you.

In soil if your unsure of what’s going on then do a soil slurry test, this is the best way to check PH. If it’s between 6.2-6.8 your good in soil, if not flush.
Also check the tds of that soil sample it will always give you the best information, that being said checking run off is also very important and more accurate with tds then with PH. If the run off is higher then what your giving it for food, your salting up and you want to flush.

Not sure if your aware but you can flush and then feed ph’d water with a full feed. This is preferred really unless your end of harvest flushing, if you choose to do that of course.

All that being said your to far away from harvest to starve your plant of nutrients this early and it will effect your yeild negatively as @imSICKkid is suggesting.
Don’t flush and not feed, it just starves your plant.


@Nicky alright, thanks again!
I’m waiting for my microscope :microscope: to arrive so i can check where the pistils are at, I think she can take another regular feed and then next time i’ll do the test you mentioned and up to that i’ll flush her or not as the chart says, or if i see any abnormal behavior, I don’t think she’s gonna be that uncomfortable for only a couple of more days with nutes!
what do you think? :thinking:

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I found that I had less problems when I changed the way I was watering and feeding. Now I run a gallon or two of clean phed water thru and toss it from the drain pan before I begin to feed. This allows all the salt wastes to be removed from from run off. Then I wipe our the drain pan to make sure I get an accurate reading. Then I feed, the problem was the salt discharge and the nutrients both contain traces of metal which is what your meter is designed to register.


It’s a good strategy I did the same when I used to grow in soil.
I also would then know how much I needed to feed.

Ps @SKORPION your back. Took a break? Nice to see you back


Only when tagged otherwise haven’t been on much. Started more of a diaries style now less conversation and shows stats and info. I stay busy I had a Webinar on chaining several lights to a single driver on commercial applications by the cannibus business times. Visited a couple greenhouse operations for different grow methods.


@Nicky @SKORPION @Caligurl
So guys, i was wondering, when im gonna feed the plant with nutes is it ok if i start by watering with just a gallon of plain ph balance water to remove a lil bit of the old nutes, check the run off to see where is at then proceed to feed her with nutes? I’m using fabric pots to avoid any over watering? what do you think?
can i do this every time i feed her just to be on the saved side?


If your water is under 150tds don’t bother ph"ing it


I’m exploring genetics research


Gaia… love it… goddess of earth!

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