I want to build a Super Soil & the base organic potting soil w/ coco fiber & Mycorrhizae. I’m discovering it’s really hard to find with that combo, so I want to add it in myself.
I ran across the following Mycorrhizae product & want to know your opinions on it if you have used this brand or similar. How much to add per gallon of soil, etc Any recommendations & help is much appreciated
This is the one I use. It gets added to my soil mix then when I transplant I sprinkle some down inside the hole before I put the plant in. I’ll follow the measurements suggested on the back of the bag for usage.
Every time I top feed with it mycelium pops up
Do you know what the shelf life is? These products are much cheaper per ounce if you buy large amounts, but I don’t want to buy, say, 2 lbs and find it’s gone dead before I can use it all.
I mix in 4 scoops of mykos with 5 gals of soil. Then when I transplant I’ll sprinkle some down inside the hole. I also add 2 scoops in when I’m top dressing.
To my understanding it has to come into contact with the roots to work. That’s why I put it in my soil & hole then top dress with it. It holds moisture so don’t pile it around the stem or it will rot learned that the hard way