So I’m working on planning my first super soil grow. I’ve been growing for years and want to try switching to super soil and also try out compost teas this grow. I’ve been busy at setting up the space for my greenhouse this spring and am planning on having 3-4 plants in a 10ftx20ft carport that I’m converting into a greenhouse. I want to have those plants in 50 gallon pots. This is my first outdoor grow which is part of why I figure I’ll try out super soil at the same time. My big question is if I’m going by @garrigan62 recipe for super soil be it
Full Recipe
8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tablespoons powdered humic acid
or this one… which I figure for the full recipe I’d multiply each ingredient by 8
Soil Recipe to be mixed with 1 to 1/1/2 cu ft of base soil
.3125 lb or 5 oz Fishbone Meal 3-16-0
.3125 lb or 5 oz Steamed Bone Meal 2-14-0
.625 lb or 10 oz Bat Guano 0-7-0
.3125 lb or 5 oz Blood Meal 13-0-0
.3125 lb or 5 oz Feather Meal 12-0-0
.375 lb or 6 oz Colloidal Rock Phosphate 0-3-0
1 tbsp Potassium Sulfate 0-0-53
1 tbsp Souluble Kelp Powder 0-0-17
1 tbsp Mycorrhizal Fungi (300 spores per gram)
3/4 tsp Powdered Humic Acid (90 % pure)
1 1/2 tbsp Epsom Salt
1tbsp Sweet Lime (Dolomite)
1 tbsp Asomite (Trace Elements)
6.25 lbs Worm Castings.
My big question is for at least 210-220 gallons of soil will one full recipe be enough or do I need to try to make more than a full recipe? I just am not sure how much soil will result from each recipe so if people who have made it before could weigh in I’d appreciate it.
Oh also anyone with any experience with compost teas who feels like sharing their wisdom I am always up for learning. I’m really lookin forward to moving away from the synthetic nutrients more to try to help out my soil and plants as much as possible. So any good recipe’s or tips and tricks from people who have been brewing for awhile would be much appreciated. I’m starting out with a 5 gallon bubbler a 1 gallon bubbler and hopefully will have a larger bubbler or a couple more 5 gallon ones for outside by the time spring rolls around. Any good recipes for veg stage or flower or tips on brewing would always be helpful