My first try. I've learned that I have a lot to learn

Facebook marketplace is a great place to get deals on lights or other equipment.
People buy a bunch of stuff, try to grow, fail or lose interest and then sale there stuff cheap :sweat_smile:

Thats kinda the point with coco-coir.
Its call “high frequency fertigation”.

This is what makes coco-coir superior to soil and gives hydroponic results, in fact it is a form of hydroponics :grin:


The more I learn about auto’s the more I’m leaning to stay regular photo period plants. Thanks for advise on that. The fast harvest was appealing at quick glance but it sounds like auto’s are finicky and unpredictable compared to standard seeds.

This next step, learning about coco and different ways to grow. I love it. It sounds like it may take some more care, but worth it. I dont mind working for something especially if its worth the extra effort.


You’re definitely approaching this better then most of us did at first…

Just a quick “terminology” lesson to help you and others know exactly what you’re talking about so theres no confusion.

“Regular” seeds can have male or female plants
“Feminized” seeds will 99.9% of the time be female plants.

Both Regular and Feminized can be auto flowering or photo period.

Most banks sale only Feminized auto flower seeds but Regular auto flower seeds do exist, just dont see them much.

Its just good to know the terminology so you know exactly what you are buying :wink:
If you buy a “Regular photo period” you can potentially get male plants.

If you want 99.9% chances of female to get buds, you want eithet Feminized autoflowers or Feminized photo periods :grin:


I found a journal for my first grow ever, we wanted simple. @Hellraiser grew banana kush and runtz or zkittles, in straight coco and jacks nutes for the first time ever, a veteran of soil grows for years, mixing dozens of nutes,

In short, a month in, said his growth was best ever, he would never go back.

We did exact for banana kush autos, avg 4 zips per plant first harvest.


Your correct pappy but sometimes its nice to have a secure buffer just incase you need to miss a watering.:v:


Haha this is my experience. I can’t be assed to water daily… heck my plants are lucky to get watered twice a week most of the grow! Soil saves me some headache, and leaving leaves as ‘food storage’ instead of stripping them all is another fail safe for bad care I take advantage of


LOL You are such a derelict @PurpNGold74 :crazy_face: :rofl:

I tried coco once and found it to be very demanding due to watering requirements. I will stick with soil and just live with 12 to 17 zips per plant (photos).


Thank you! Yeah so the seeds I just used were regular seeds. Two are unknown, but one of the three is supposed to be from a bag of a strain called white runtz. It definitely looks different than the other two and seems a tad slower in general.

So when I buy seeds, it will be feminized seeds, since I dont want to have to weed out any males and dont plan on making my own seeds. And if I get auto flower seeds, they would be feminized autoflower. Heck yeah.

I am definitely leaning towards buying feminized photoperiod seeds. Actually my buddy said he would give me a white widow feminized autoflower seed so I could try growing an autoflower, but his opinion is much the same as Ive seen on here. Auto’s are hit and miss and for consistent results, just use photoperiod.

The potential white runtz variety is frosting a bit later than the others…


The problem with bagseed is even if you know the bag, one has NO IDEA who was the generous donor… it could have been an unknown male, or it could even be self pollinated. Just no way to know.

But she looks good and frosty!


Welcome to the community !


Welcome to the community!

Well done!


Thank you everyone.

This is what I think about all day when Im working lol…


Growing is seriously almost as addictive as smoking!


That’s some good looking bud for starting without even having a plan Or idea what to do! Good job!


I second that @PurpNGold74 Growing is a addictive challenge. Started growing outside late seventies early eighties an sill love it .


That is so true! It is legit a new hobby. I’ve been growing tomatoes and peppers outside for the last 3 years or so, and it is cool, but not nearly as cool as growing bud! I’m not far off from being able to harvest these, and whatever happens, it has been super fun and I cannot wait to grow my next batch with more knowledge, and of course a forum like this to talk and share with along the way.


Welcome to the community :v:


Thank you! Very cool place.


Well these plants are hanging and turned out pretty nice. I picked one a couple days before the main plants so I could test. It was pretty dry today and it was nice! Tasty and got me baked! I’m starting my second grow now, and it will be documented here… Second grow ever, and first with known genetics and auto's

Thanks to everyone for encouragement and advise. Using better soil and more lights next time Im hoping it goes even better!


Congrats with the Harvest :metal: