So back in November while cleaning some medicine from a local dispensary, I ran across 2 bag seeds. Now being a longtime cannabis smoker I didn’t think much about tossing those little unsmokeable annoyances over my shoulder and back to the wilds. Fast forward a few weeks and I noticed a tiny little seedling poking out of the wifes hibiscus pot on the patio. Well its around Thanksgiving, its getting much cooler, it’s sitting in a spot that only gets a few hours of sun and its growing in miracle grow. I give it 0% chance of surviving but I’m no grower, what do I know? Fast forward a couple weeks and low and behold not only was she still there but she had a little friend next to her.
I was now head over heels in love with these little green beauties and started my research, which is consuming every spare moment I have. Long story shorter, transplanted them, experimented with nutrients, fimming, topping, and lst. Other than some nutrient burn they were doing pretty good and I loved the experience. Sadly they started to get to big to have outside and seeing as how it is still frowned upon where I I live to cultivate for personal medicine I had to make the gut wrenching choice to pull them out and sacrifice my beautiful plants to the cannabis gods.
In the meantime I started building my indoor grow setup, found ILGM, purchased good genetics (beginner pack, photos) and have started my first real grow.
4x4x7 tent, 400cfm fan and carbon filter w/speed control, identical fan w/speed control for intake. Electric sky 300 led grow light, lots of fans for air circulation. Temps are steady in low 80s, rh good now while they’re in the dome. Have to work on better equipment for both those factors.
Stains- white widow, bubble gum and AK-47 ILGM.
Soaked 1 seed from each strain for 24 hrs in R/O water 6.5 ph. Did the paper towel method next and after 24 hrs had 3 little tap roots and planted them in solo cups of FFHF. 2 days later my 3 little ladies popped their heads up from the dirt and haven’t looked back. Today is day 6 of seedling and other than stretching I think they look amazing. Still figuring out this light but the stretch has stopped and my girls are now working on growing leaves. So far so good but a little nervous since I actually have time, effort, and some decent coinage invested. Wish I would have found this forum before I spent so much.
Thanks @WickedAle, I won’t. Went with 3 not knowing what would happen and was surprised with the results. My plan is to see what happens with these 3, study them, learn my setup and what these ladies like and keep reading these forums, so far I’ve found most of the answers I’ve needed by just scouring this forum. Much appreciated.
For now until you get your full set up get your fluorescent as close to the plants as possible otherwise they will continue to stretch. The Light is the most important investment. You will find may use Horticultural Lighting Group QB boards. A DIY setup for a 4x4 space is ~$450-500 but you could do half now and then the other half later. 4xQB288V2 boards w/ heatsinks(@89 each) and 2 HLG240H-C2100A power supplies (@$57 each). Don’t go burple. BTDT I now have a $150 paperweight. Other wise there are soil, coco, organic, hydro etc etc growers here that can give you ideas for a setup.
Lightning is exactly why I wish I found this fountain of knowledge before my initial investment. I realize it takes 2 of the es300s for my space but a.c. and rh are my next bigger investments. I live in the southwest U.S. and the oncoming heat is my biggest concern. Once my room environment is better dialed in I hope to supplement the space with more lighting, and dyi definitely seems the route to go. I’ve seen a lot of the builds you’ve had your hand in and as I believe you once said it’s kind of your thing. I’ll be taking a closer look at those threads when the time comes. Thanks for looking out, I need all the help on this I can get!
Well now you’ve done it! Once you start growing you find out it is so fun you start getting into all manner of things. Super fun hobby with definitely rich reward! Welcome and good luck.
First off - love the floating gnome in the pics… nice touch I might have to find me a sidekick for my own grow now… idk…if your holding 54% I think you’re doing pretty good. It’s safe atleast. Either way looking good, good luck
Been trying to figure out this es300 light. Noticed this curling on newer growth so I’m guessing it’s from to much light. I’ve got it almost 48" above canopy and now have it set pulling 165 watts, just over half strength. Anyone have any more educated guesses?
Can’t believe the growth on these chutes. They’re almost as big as the original nodes. This light has great penetration so far. Hard light to learn with, manufacturer couldn’t give me any more than start at 3-4’ above canopy, dim to half power and go by feel. I’ll figure it out but hard with no grow experience.