I might buy a dehumidifier later. My humidity is quite low at the moment. I have to run a humidifier to get at 40-50%
Myco products are bennificial fungi and bacteria for your roots. Get some! Bubble bags are for making buble hash.
Gotcha, what kind of myco products should I get? and do I need them for FFOF?
Maybe a trim tray? Or silica? Recharge is added once a week
Silica helps make stems stronger. Just some suggestions
Need…depends on who you ask. I say yes you need them for any soil. This is what I use currently but when its gone I intend to try real growers recharge.
Trimming scissors and maybe a trim bin
Mini hydrometers
Grove bags or mason jars
What’s better, grove bags or mason jars? Also might get a trim bin, got trimming scissors.
I would say Grove Bags. But would not buy them off Amazon. They have their own website (Grove bags)
I could do this acessory thing all day I bet. I have two metal herb drying racks for hanging harvest on I am fond of.
Do you have all your nutes for flowering time?
For the amount your gonna have I would say mason jars. Grove bags are great but IMO for larger quantities. The jar will teach you how to burp and cure in a more hands on way
What nutes do I need for flowering? I only have Jacks 3-2-1 atm
I need a good rack for drying myself!
Jacks is all you will need as I understand it, for nutes at least.
Haven’t tried Jack’s but heard it is used threw out the whole grow
Can you link me to the moisture packs I need?
That’s all you need. I’ve been using it for a couple years. Once you get a few under yer belt you can start messin around but what you have now will work well