My 1st Amnesia Haze Auto

Ya, She still looks like she needs more time? At what week did you move into bloom nutes? I had a NL auto that did the same thing last run. She just crawled to the finish.

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Two on left AH wk 10-11, two on right NL wk 9-10


Looks like you have a little forest going on there. Very nice


I used the fox farm trio and open sesame… went by this schedule… and by the way yours look awesome!! Mine were under 600 wt leds and now just sun… hope it doesn’t affect quality… hoping it doesn’t because it’s an auto…

Yes I would say mine has a few more weeks by the looks of yours are they autos??

Did you top yours??

They are all autos in the pic. I use biobizz light mix soil and biobizz organic line with advanced nutrients bud candy. I have em under 3x300 (listed watt Led full spect (like 350 actual watt watts)
didnt top the AH. But i LST with wire just enough to get seperation between colas. Be careful following the recommended manufactures dosages for the autos. @Sweetsugar

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Im checking her tonight to stem split and drop in the dark for 72hrs

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Yes sir I give half the “reccomended” dosage… I have studied much b4 I started my 1st grow… and it’s done straight :fire:!! And I used FFOF soil from beginning to end… my lights were full spectrum as well… didn’t have room to bring them or a place to put my grow tent… so going on the words of autos do their thing regardless of light schedule and all that jazz… maybe I’ll switch seeing your beauties!! :+1:t3:

Stem split is where you put a slit at the bottom stem rt?? What’s the purpose??

@Sweetsugar I heard Its an old jamaician ganja farmers trick (or so they say?) They would partially break the bottoms just before havest (3-7 days) to put the plant into shock to produce more resin. Same principal for the dark period. The splitting is the refined method of the breaking. My bud would be just fine without doing this but if there is a chance these methods help, why not? they dont cost a dime and it makes space for another girl in the room


I ckd my trichomes a minute ago… Starting to turn amber I would say 5-10% mostly cloudy, few clear but there are some (new growth) When I LST my colas 3 days ago I broke one of the biggest and almost freaked the f out but I damaged my BBA last grow and saw on YouTube where u can duct tape it that’s what I did then and a few days ago she’s still thriving no signs of stress!! Now just a waiting game also letting her get really dry to use everything positive the soil has… but she went from like 20-30% humidity to almost 60% most the time n the air so she loves it!! PROGRESS love it! :grin:

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I broke one on the AH too at around week 7 while being careless. Taped it too with no issues. The ilgm Northern Lights im doing this round have colas that are getting enormous.


I broke a main branch almost completely off in this grow. it was during flower too. I just tied it back to the main stem and it acted like nothing ever happened. It fixed her self good as new. Breaking things happen. these are pretty tough little weeds. You should be fine taping her back together.

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TY yes it’s been 4-5 days now you can’t even tell it was broken besides the duct tape :joy:


@Sweetsugar @Not2SureYet. So gave her last flush of 2 gal last night. Let the lights dry her up a little and i split after work today. Just thought you might wanna see. Always use a sterilized sharp blade and always tie the upper and lower stop points with string or i use zip ties. Anyway it may be hocus pocus. Do some research and conclude for yourself is my way but I have always done it so its all know and im never (as of yet…fingers crossed) unhappy with her sweet flower. And i put her under a 50wt 3000k diy cob i built last night. Sweet…ONE LOVE


Cool, you are almost there. She looks great. Can’t wait to see her cut down. that is some serious splitting there.


Very nice! mines on week 13 still not ready so gonna go another week unless something drastic happens over night…

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Is the purpose of pen and stick to keep it apart??

Indeed. Sanitized of course.

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