I’m looking for some info on the Amnesia Haze Auto. This Sunday (11-24) will be the end of flower week #7. The breeder says that this plants flower time is 9-12 weeks. I would like to know from those of you that have grown this strain, what have been YOUR flower times, or, more importantly, when were your plants looking ready to do a 2 week water only flush and then chop. I’ve been watching the Trichomes, and I’m close, but not quite there yet. I’m gonna let her go at least another week or two before I start my flush, but what have been your flower times with Amnesia Haze Auto before flush # chop???
I’m looking to grow this strain as it has a decent cbd ratio I believe but also is a stronger sativa.
It does have a long flower time though and still not the highest thc %.
Seems like depending on who you get it from the % of thc/cbd changes.
I haven’t got seeds yet but can’t get from ilgm, need someone who ships to Canada.
21 is nice, one I seen said high cbd with 14% thc.
Hopefully we get more accurate and cheaper testing tools over the next few years
The Amnesia Haze Auto seeds I have states the flowering time is 60 days. But in reality it’s more like 67-74 days since we can’t grow in perfect conditions.
@MrPeat… The 7-14 day issue, I read here about auto’s. I have only grown photo’s & you know how they are. This is my first AUTO. Thought I would try one to see how they grow.
@Tinman… That’s great to know about your 13 weeks. She looks great. Can’t wait for my buds to fatten up like yours!
@Nicky… I buy only ILGM seeds. That’s what this plant is.
As a side note, she started to flower after 3 weeks of veg.