MW fem indoor grow, aussie style

Hello Everyone, @patchman @CalamityJane @yoshi

Today I am starting a new journal and I will be growing 3 MW fem ILGM seeds. All welcome to tag along and I am happy to listen to all advice.

Medium : 50% coco coir, 30% perlite, 20% home compost soil(fine)
Pots : 3 X 5 gal fabric pots
Tent : 3 X 4 X 1.8m
Lights : HLG 260watt full spec LED’s X 2 quantum boards
Heating : fan force elec heater
Humidity : 5 Ltr dehumidifier
Exhaust : 6" full top exhaust
Nutrients : All Advanced Nutrients, if you need to know which I use please ask

Day 1 16th May 2021
placed 3 seeds in shot glass 8am

Day 3
placed in paper towel

Day 4
3pm all seeds placed in solo cups and on there way to happiness
I will try to keep you all up to date as things progress. Thanks for coming along to enjoy another learning adventure.
Happy Growing


Flyinghigh is growing Maui Wowie? Of course I am in!!! I have set it to watch you sir, thanks for the invite!!! Good luck!!!


I’ll definitely be in the shadows , I’m still trying to learn how you be growing pretty plants :potted_plant: , and you Scroggins too , oh yes I’ll be taking notes ?
Are you using all parts of advanced nutrients? Have you seen the new nutrients from rookies like me that’s only one part ph perfect nutrients additive from grow to bloom only one bottle ?


Thanks for the tag, mate! Yeah set to watch fo sho :v: You got this!


Hello @yoshi
Here is a pic of the Advanced Nutrients I use. There is 2 new additions which are the Rhino skin and Senziyme.
I have had good results so far using these nutes, and I have not heard of that new additive. Interesting.
I am still new myself mate and learning all the time and happy to help if I can.

My indoor grow last year was amazing man. My old journal has many pics.
Have a magic day

Hello All,
Update : Day 5
There alive

At this point they are getting very little water and I always use distilled water to start off with for a few weeks then start with nutes. I always get nervous at this critical stage but I will be sure to do my best and happy to take any advice.
At present girls are under a grow lux seedling lamp and they look happy.
Thanks for looking and have a magic day

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Hello Again All,
Just thought I would share with you guys and gals a pic of what I do in my spare time.

Flyinghigh baby.
be Happy and enjoy life


Can you hot box that ?


GIF image 135


That’s amazing! I bet you get a massive sense of freedom flying that! :star_struck:

Is this a simulation? Or what rig is this?

Oh, is it not real…? :laughing::laughing:

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We will have to wait for @flyinghigh hard to tell anymore what’s real and what’s not.

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Hello Everyone,
I do fly small recreation aircraft in real life, and what you are seeing is my flight simulator. I was flying the Beech King Air 350i. I am also training to be a ground instructor in real life.
Crazy ha. When I fly, yes I can be drug tested so I do not smoke for at least 1 week before flying.
This was taken after my first solo flight. Man was I happy. Probably not a good idea to place pic on here but hey, life is fun.

Thanks everyone for looking at my journal.
have a magic day


That’s incredible! What an amazing achievement. I’d love to be able to fly a plane!
Thanks for the pic! Love getting to know everyone on here a little better - thanks for sharing! :airplane:


Awesome. I loved flying. I started with my gliders license then moved up to the single engine sesna thru the air cadets years ago. Then I went into the army and ended up flying the drones in the desert. Flying is fun.


My favorite part of this forum is how most of the members are established and comfortable.’what sim are you running? @flyinghigh

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Hello @CalamityJane
It was on my bucket list so I can tick that one off. Learn to fly, awesome achievement. Flying in the North East of Victoria is just amazing during winter. I don’t fly much anymore due to my back so I built myself a simulator. It’s as real as it gets.
Have a magic day.

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Ahh, you appear to be a man of many talents!

I also have back problems and understand how it can hinder life :pensive: Managed to bugger up mine in a few car accidents, never been the same since.

Fly on over this side of the pond, some really pretty land over here too! :star_struck::smile: (then hit me up so we can go for smokes! :joy:)

Hello @Dr.ofSmokology
That is a real achievement man. Thank you for your service my friend. I learned in a TecnamP20 and then went on to learn to fly the Cessna 152S. Nothing better than flying with the birds mate.
I fly whenever I can. I was also in the Army in Australia and served 12 years and had an accident in 1989 and broke my back and medically discharged. All I can say is fXXXXX the government for screwing me over. Now my wife and I live a happy life and with my own weed, medication is better than pharmacy shit.
Have a magic day man.