Music in the tent

I am very excited to begin my first grow - Everything in my 4x4 tent awaits my HGL lights including 4 (2 Blueberry, 1 NLT and 1 Amnesia) seedlings sprouted and growing in a small grow box.
My question is: has anyone had any experiences with adding music to the tent for the plants. There is certainly alot of evidence that it has positive affects on plants, people and animals and all living organisms.
Thanks in advance - I love this forum and being able to talk about this wonderful, important and sacred plant.


I sing to mine. Yes some have died but I think it was just a bad choice of music…


LOL - I was thinking more Bach, Mozart etc… maybe Yes, Quicksilver, etc…


Mine seem to enjoy Pantera, Skid Row, Garth, Chris Stapleton but droop to anything without lyrics! :sunglasses::microphone:


I have sets of tuned wind chimes for the girls and they have grown in to monsters. ?? Maybe had an impact :upside_down_face:

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Not sure about music. But the chicks dig the convo. As long as it isnt about that new cute seed bank site you just ordered from. Makes them jealous :wink:


I whisper all the things I’m gonna do to my girls when im in there and they really respond…things like I’m gonna stretch you out really tightly and then hang you upside down by your feet…or I’m gonna get you sooo cold and rub you around really aggressively until I find your special spot…they love it lol


Ooh, I love the idea of playing music for them! Little lullabies in the nursery …:thinking:

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I sing and play music to the girls as well! Only they & my dogs however seem to enjoy it. Lol


Tried playing Ozark Classical :banjo: but the plants literally wept :sob:


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A little off subject, but when I don’t run co2 the plant in the front is always and by far the largest because of my Heavy mouth breathing and sometime panic or pleasure talks I have with them.
Co2 makes a difference but on an open loops system it’s expensive.

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I think I’m going to set up one of my old iPhones with a small speaker and give them a little background music while the light are on and see what happens.

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Use time lapse so we can watch em dance!


Assuming they’re all female, I put a shoe catalog in with them. They seem to get excited but hell if I know why!?


They are all females and I think you are right! @Skyblue

Mine as well hang a couple posters of huge strapping redwoods in there for them to drool at!! Maybe a large elm with a huge … branch!