Monk's 5th 2 purple haze, 2 banana kush, 2 chem dog, and 2 LSD

4 days germ on all 8 seeds.

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the little girls are in a jiffy pod tray with a tall dome. they will stay in there as long as i can keep them because i can control the humidity better. i am not looking forward to lugging a gallon of water downstairs every day to fill humidifier lol. the veg tent is back up and running!

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tent shot

solo cups


Looking forward to tagging along for your 5th @monkman


5 days germ on all seeds



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I see it .this is the new one? I’m not staying long over here growers network is my new home. I had a falling out w my friend over here so he asked me to leave basically. Here I’ll show you…

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i am sorry to hear that, missed seeing you around

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Is what it be… Good growers everywhere - here, there, overgrow. All the forums have good and bad… Im still standing and breathing so I’m growing …

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cool, that is the important part. life is all about changes and looking for new interactions.

just checked the kids and i have made the first mistake of the grow. i didn’t check the plants before i went to bed last night, just too lazy and this morning it was 28% humid in the dome… OOPS! i had slid the cover to one side to get some flow thru the dome but it appears that i opened it up too much. watered all 7 plants and spritzed the bottom of the tray. hope i didn’t kill the little buggers.

also put another LSD seed into cup with the one that is not working yet.

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Eh :point_right::point_right: thx bro

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Look what I just got …got a bud of my recon I grew back ( been gone for 5 monthes+) and a pint of my coconut oil I made of 400gs of trim and 1 gallon of oil :smiley:

I’m so stoke I smoked half a bud and I’m so high …god it’s so much better then the shit I can buy


Lmao looks like gren eggs and ham

Omg so fire
1 heaping staple spoon oil…
1 cup fairly strong coffee
Tbs herseys syrup
2 oz mocha creamer
Whipped in blender


My wife is addicted to making oil… weed oil and coffee is amazing… your style of coffee sounds better. We are gonna give your recipe a go tomorrow lol

We made some gummies last week, and a few chocolates yesterday. I love this stuff lol


It’s so good when its whipped all together :green_heart:


6 days germ on all seeds

7 days germ on all seeds