Hi all, I have four plants in a grow room. I noticed a spider web on the top of one of my plants about a week or two ago. I just noticed small critters today… do these look like spider mites? I saw in another post to use Captain Jacks Dead Bug if it is. How do I address the insecticide this close to harvest (these are 10 week old Grandaddy Purple)? Do I need to do anything? What about lady bugs?
Spider mites, pretty advanced case. They actually are arachnids. You need about 2 weeks to get rid of them. If you’re 10 weeks into flower I’d just chop em down. Then treat all of your other plants and clean the space.
Spider mites, you pretty much have two choices fight em now with something like capitan jacks dead bug keeping them down so you can finish the grow… or chop now … either way I’d wash the buds and tent
I would start spraying everything in the tent. You might be okay just cutting the one down if it’s the only one infested. Here’s a video on bud washing there’s any other videos out there on it
It looks like mostly milky trikes, but it’s hard to make a judgement call on the overall grow. I’d go ahead and chop rather than battle it out to go for a little amber. But if they’re not ready you gotta make the decision. You’ll want to wash the buds like @MeEasy said.
Any other house plants are also suspect and they’ll need to be treated as well. It takes two weeks for their eggs to hatch so you have to keep treating everything every couple of days.
With the plants gone, you’ll destroy their whole ecosystem and have a better chance of eradicating them.
Oh man im so sorry to see you have thess this late in the game, ive been fighting them also, my plants are only a few weeks into flower, so i was able to put them in the shower & hose them down, so far so good, but like they said above, im not sure if i got the eggs ,so im still alternating between captain jacks d bug and 1 gallon mix of 1/4c. milk ,5mls rubbing alcohol 1or 2 drops dish soap . Good luck, creepy yucky little buggers
So, the problem was bigger than I thought. Thanks to those that responded here. Critical thinking got me to look into this deeper. My plants began turning yellow about two and a half to three weeks ago. The first pic was then, second is now. I went down and picked a leaf off of another plant, farthest from my offender. I flipped the leaf over and it looked perfect until I put my mag glass on it…. Then I saw pic #3. I’m thinking I should chop all of them now although I’m seeing very little amber.
I could chop, spray, do the water bath with hydrogen peroxide, then dry and cure in a different spot while I completely drench my tent daily for the next two weeks?
What do you guys think? The last one shows my Trichomes now.
Thanks, it sucks pretty bad but I guess it’s a learning experience. I’m not really sure where to go from here. They’re so close to harvest, I may even harvest tomorrow, but what do I do then? I can kill what’s on them, but how do I dry and cure my bud while these little jerks keep hatching?
I thought my leaves were all beginning to turn yellow as a natural stage of final flowering and low nitrogen levels.
Im not that far yet, hopefully someone here has some good info on what happens to them, i think they will all drown and be washed off when you do the wash. Newbie opinion tho lol. Im only 31 days since flip
Well, we’ll be newbies in this process together!! Lol
I’m not sure if the eggs will be affected by the wash. I’m going to evaluate them more closely tomorrow and decide what path I’ll take. Perhaps we’ll get some more advice between now and then.
Update for all…. Finally had to give up the fight today. I chopped all the plants this afternoon and will be water washing all of them tomorrow with peroxide… will do it tonight if I have time. The top of one of my buds was dry and brittle, but most seem to be in decent condition except for all the creepy crawly’s! I think I’m going to take the recommendation of making some tinctures or edibles out of this crop.
Sorry to hear that but it happens to all of us eventually. Hopefully you’ll have a better one next round. I found that with the creepy crawlers that when you are washing them you have to hold the buds under water for a few minutes to get the living ones to die n let go and I still found a worm hiding out in a bud
@MeEasy good to know about the washing! I’m looking forward to that!
What’s your thoughts about the THC levels I’ll have based on the pics? Most are at least cloudy and some have amber here and there. Had it not been for the bugs I surely wouldn’t have cut yet.