Might need a little help

I’m on my first grow and I feel like everything is going good and at times it feels opposite of that.
Here’s where I’m at currently.
I have 2 auto flowers in 5 gallon pots
I have been watering with distilled water
I have a 2:1 ratio of FFOF & FFHF with coco on top with a slight blend of the soil mix from the bottom. (Which I’m realizing now that I don’t really like)
3x3 tent
Mars hydro ts1000 (currently 24” away at 70%)
RH 55-65%

Im currently beginning week 5 of my original blueberry auto from FB and it looks thin. I did defoliate a bit to open it up.
I’m currently beginning week 4 of my gorilla cookies auto

I will be honest and say that I feel like I’ve been giving them enough water to do good but not great. I was gradually raising my water level. Last watering I gave the blueberry 1 liter and the gorilla cookies half a liter.
Today I gave the blueberry 2 liters and the GC 1 liter.
The blueberry had a little runoff for the first time. I tested the ph off the runoff and it was 6.4 the ppm was 2004

I haven’t added any nutes (which I’m thinking I might be a little late on)

If anybody could help me out , I would appreciate the help to identify where I’m lacking. Thanks


Nice growth :+1:t2:
And Welcome to the community :green_heart::metal:t2:


Welcome to the community plants look healthy. Keep up the good work :v:


Growing right along. Keep on rockin it! :muscle:


Welcome! Beautiful plants!


Keep doing what you’re doing Growmie. Have you checked the available nutrients in the soil from the run off of or a soil slurry test? Since you blended the amended the soil with nutrient free coco you may be getting close to needing to feed :love_you_gesture:


I had the first watering with runoff 2 days ago.
Ph was 6.8 ppm was 2004 but I’m not sure if it can read higher with just a little bit to test.
I tipped the cup over and spilled some after the Ph test so I had less to use with the ppm test. Not sure if that makes a difference

I did slurry test also and it was at ppm 590 in both pots not sure if that’s due to the top layer being mostly coco

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That’s good numbers for the organically amended soil. For the slurry test if you didn’t go down around the root zone I would stay with the run off test. You’re good for 3 weeks or so but keep in mind that run off will rinse some of the nutrients away. Start feeding once the PPms drop down around 800-1000 and feed at the range every feeding. Use a drench to drought routine, the drench to approximately 20% run off and the drought period will provide the roots the needed oxygen. Your plants are looking great Grow Bro and if you haven’t picked a nutrient line out I would suggest Jacks 321 or Mega. crop one part :love_you_gesture:

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I decided to go with all fox farm for soil and nutrients on this run . It seemed simple enough to understand for a learning process.
I dnt want to get my hopes up with this grow run I just want to learn as much as possible and execute accordingly on the next run

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Right on, go easy with the FF trio, salt heavy and the feeding to run off like I mentioned early is critical to rinse those excess salts away that can accumulate in the root zone tanking your PH and driving up the PPMs :love_you_gesture:

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I was planning on starting with 1/5th of recommended dose and work it up to a half at most

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Are u saying I should water until I see run off and not an exact dosage of water?

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Thats exactly what @OGIncognito is saying. Its all great advice. I get almost a full solo cup of run-off from each plant in my 3 gal pots, which is about 10-15% of the water i put in. That works well for me in a 50/50 blend of ocean forest/happy frog.

Edit: i use jacks nutrients which seem alot more forgiving if you feed too much. You might have to get more run-off if you start getting salt build up from the ff trio. Most people suggest doing the sledgehammer flush as per the FF feeding schedule.


Update on my run:

Gorilla cookies is 4ft tall and finally starting to flower

Blueberry og is flowering nicely

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