Maybe Time To Try Out My New Bendy Things?

-Strain(s): Agent Orange, Orange Bud, Super Lemon Haze. All Feminized Photos.

-Seed Bank: ILGM

-Age of plant: About 2mos

-Method/Medium: Potting Mix, Top Soil, Perlite, General Hydroponics Nutrients.

-Vessels: Standard Size Pillowcases, equal to 10lb bags, inside milk crates.

-PH and PPM/TDS: of Water, Solution, and runoff: All NA for today’s query.

-PPM/TDS or EC of food: All NA for today’s query.

-Method used to measure PH and TDS: My Meters of which I would love to replace with better quality ones, but it is what it is.

-Grow Space: Indoor 6WX5LX8H tent.

-Light system: Vivosun 4000/Samsung LM301D Full Spectrum 400W/100-277V LED Square 24x24x3".

-Actual wattage draw of lights: I guess that would depend on what setting I am using at the time and the distance from the canopy.

-Current Light Schedule: 18/6.

-Temps: Day=80°F± Night=70°F±.

-Humidity: Day= 55-60Rh± Night= 55-60Rh±

-Ventilation system: Inline Fan w/variable speed control and gigantic charcoal filter that I can’t find the book on so dk what model and such.

-AC: Yes, I pipe the air in via an 8" Dryer vent hose.

-Humidifier: I use a small portable humidifier as needed.

-De-humidifier: I keep a large dehumidifier inside the tent and use as needed.

-Extras: I utilize 2-20" oscillating fans at opposite corners. An unbranded digital 2 in 1 Rh and Temperature Gauge. An unbranded timer for light. 1 small and 1 medium unbranded space heaters with blowers - 1 with variable heat setting and 1 without. And finally, Radio for their enjoyment.

Pretty sure that covers all of everything. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you want my last 4 and mother’s maiden name. Lol!

So I have to include that at the start of every single thread I start? Really? Honestly there should totally a place to put it on our profile with an automatic link that is added to each thread. Just saying. Alrighty then…

Todays question… I have these new fangledy plastic kind if things that are supposed to help with Low Stress Training and since I have 7, but soon probably 6, plants in one tent-2 Sativas, 3 Hybrids, and 1 Indica, I think, I will definitely have to do this LST thing. Are any of them ready to get started based on the attached photos? I put a standard size Skewer next to each for comparison. Each is barely an inch into the top soil and are 12" tall. The skewers. The crates are standard at 12x12".

Also, should I clip off those giant leaves blocking the light and aren’t I supposed to clear the bottom 3 rows or something like that?

Thanks Guys and Gals so much for educating me on this today and if anybody has any tips or secrets on the subject of LST, I’m ready to listen. Here I am, listening… Lol! - Karen

PS, hopefully the photos uploaded in order. If not, I did try. -


Howdy Karen
Your plants are looking great. :+1:
I just try and keep all the growing tips level ,now I am just letting her go for it.
Starting to show flowers and getting stinky.
Here is my Cherry Dragon I am training now :grinning:


There are several lst methods to choose from. You have 6 plants to practice on. I would try a different one on each, maybe even just on 3-4 and see what youre most comfortable with and what works the best for your environment. Happy learning!


I think this is when you start an new thread asking for help ,o don’t believe it’s absolutely mandatory and I wouldn’t do that myself
I don’t think you need to unless you want some specific advice ,and truthfully what you are asking about here I wouldn’t have even included it lol


Personally I wouldn’t yet no ,those are solar panels and I would let them do their job for now as it gets bigger you can pluck those and others as you need to

The little bendy things I’ve never used so I’m not sure when you can start with them but I imagine if you have side shoots that are larger than the bendy things and your stems are still bendy I would use them asap if you can to try and spread their branches and get them growing away from the main

Also I would have already tied their heads down so theirs heads are as low as possible compared to the other growth
That’s what tricks the other growth into thinkin it’s now the main event lol

They look lovely and healthy and very happy and I’m going to make some popcorn and pull up a chair and follow along

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I don’t understand that. Please explain. Also thanks, I just can’t figure what happened to that one. Very nice she is. Cherry Dragon, huh? I do love me some cherry just about anything.

@PhatPat I am only going to do the little things that make them supposedly bend at a 90° angle. I was feeling the branches and don’t think I could manage pinching and rolling without breaking. I do not like the el cheapo white things at all, but the red ones are pretty good.

What would I used to tie them down? Just like strips of rags? And tie them to the crate tops? Better make enough for everyone …



I use the fuzzy pipe cleaners. Some use coated wire. About anythung you can think of really.


Ay you guys, does this look about correct? It is the ‘fluffiest’ one so far and has lots of leaves. Probably should do this earlier next time. I was afraid to do it too soon, you know. Anyway, a shot from each side and the top. Let me know if I did it right and if not what needs changing. Thanks a bunch! -Karen


I agree with @Hashtonbutcher saying

Of course there can be many reasons to train a plant but typically it’s to increase yeild and consistency in bud development.
The basic goal is simply to keep tops even any way you can think of. I love the little clips for when they are still smaller, they tend to fall off as the plant gets bigger but by then the stems have hardened so it doesn’t matter much.

I’ll use your last plant as an example of what i would do if it was mine.

You could use 2 clips to bend the 2 in red over to be even or just below the 2 in blue.
I would probably just bend them over and tie them and save my clips for a more difficult area to get to.
Careful not to pull them to low as to split the main stalk of course.

SLH3 picture is an easy train also.
Its got a nice natural lean already, just bend it over tieing it to the crate so the top is even with or lower then the other branches :+1:

Now that im looking at AO3, this is a prime candidate for a training technique I dont see others do but i like it.
And thats give it a “pony tail” for a few days.
Useing a hair tie or anything to tie into a circle around the plant at the very top node. Not tight but enough so if you pull that circle up, it makes the fans close up around the top of the plant effectively shadeing that part out, the bottom branch then shoot up as the top bit sorta stalls for a bit. After you notice the sides have caught up to the top, just take the tie off.

Looks something like this.

I don’t have any perfect x-mas tree shape plants but hopefully that example helps make sense of what I’m trying to say :sweat_smile:


I think you did a great job! I’ve never seen the pony tail trick before @1HappyPappy thanks definitely going to try that next time!


@SnkeyezCobra Here’s some from a past grow.

Girl scout cookie extreme autoflower.

Gorilla glue autoflower.

Here’s the journal of those plants if you or @ShureGreen want to check it out and see other stuff I do to train.


Nice job gettin in there and doin it :+1:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:
She will react with power


@1HappyPappy Wowsers! That’s a nice crop you have coming. Seems to be much larger than those you’ve shared before. Great job.
Yeah, the reason SLH#3 looks like that is one of my fans fell over on top of her. Ooops! Took her side out when she was maybe 3 weeks in her dirt. Idk how long she sat there like, wasn’t more than a couple of hours, but the damage was done. She came back nicely.

I took most if the clips off and just tied them down with Christmas ribbon. That’s definitely bot the easiest task I’ve had to do. The clips are just too hard to get on them. The red ones weren’t too awful but the clear ones I won’t ever use again.

I wound up losing OB#1. Poor gal. I am still not sure why she failed while the others are doing well now. :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: Such is the life, I suppose. I am down to 6 now.

Odd and off topic question for y’all… I want to change my handle and while I’d like my all-time nickname of SpecialK, Idw appear vain. Agent Orange is my favorite strain, so I was thinking ‘Agent O’Green’. Do y’all think people would like think I’m actually an agent? Lol! I know, sounds dumb, but I want other members to continue helping me out without feeling afraid. I’m weird for even wondering, I guess, but still. -Karen


Thanks @SnkeyezCobra . They all had a rough start, so I am super stoked they have survived at all.


I think both are good names lol :man_shrugging::rofl: sound like me haha… I don’t think either discourages ppl to help you haha


SpecialK was my first grow name. A friend named it. Nice plants! Very nice.

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Ok. So if the pH in my soil is too high, then I make up some lower pH water abd water it, right? Gosh I wish there were a way to get immediate answers. Lol! Say the pH is 750. I want it to be 650. So would I water at 550 or 650? The EC and PPM are good.


Are you using runoff or slurry test? If you are getting 7.5 ph you definitely need to bring it back down… but I don’t think you want to do it too drastically at once… what has the ph going in been? @kaptain3d i know your always around or know someone with the better answer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: as I’ve been away for a while I don’t want to give bad info


@AfgVet , @OGIncognito , @Low could all help here I’m sure :wink:


If the PH isn’t terribly out of range I would recommend going in at a lower PH. For soil if the PH was 7.5 or higher I would do a reset flush to get that down to 6.5. If the plants are not showing the effects of high PH I would go in at a lower PH for several rounds of feeding or watering to get that back in range :love_you_gesture:. Appreciate the tag @kaptain3d


Well, I only like to tag cool, helpful people you know! So that’s your fault for being a nice guy! :smiling_imp: