Making powerful coconut nut oil to eat

I have made infused coconut oil thtat to me seems to be as strong as I want. Im not a heavy smoker ,can’t
mild COPD,so intake is mostly oil Doasge 1/8 teaspoon. Filling the 1/8 stainless teaspon with cold hard coconut is my method of measuring a dosage instead of warming the oil . Anyway thats what I do. I used 1 oz of trimmed reefer to 14 oz of coconut oil, following accepted procedures of " how to" infuse oil. Tell me what you have learned making infused cocnut. Any advice,receipes ,tips please.


I also make coconut oil today was 3.5 oz to 48 flz of oil in the infuser an hr later strained and done, todays batch was different I had cooked my decarb to turn to CBN this is supposed to be the sleep remedy, my previous batches are for cooking between egg noodle water and waffles I by the store brand of cookies ad my oil to them and easy piesy


Don’t have a reciepe to contribute, sorry. My experience has been with everclear.
Currently keife mining. Expanding to new edibles (dilike smoking). Please share your experience, too.

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I have a bottle of Everclear infused with 6oz of decarbed flower cooked in my infusion machine 4hrs. Took some in the double broiler and reduced rolled some buds and kief in it trying ne things.

I started de carbing in oven was affraid i would mess it up i have a unit that take gues work out also started making butter but to greasy so coconut oil is good

Anything i make i just substitute the coconut oil for what the recipe is needed. Everyone likes the results.


I make my coconut oil by adding decarbed concentrate,
The ratios can be vastly different from 1 gram of wax per cup oil up to 4-5 grams per cup of oil just depends on what im useing the oil for or how strong i want the end product.

I make alot of bho regularly so it’s very convenient to decarb the wax and add it to the oil.

I’ve tried useing ever clear and heating the flower in the oil but seemed like way to much work and mess.
Decarb my wax and add it to warm oil just so it melts and it’s done :grin:


Been there, wanted better quality from my grow, before using my Everclear (3 bottles)… Found NEX carries it in a black label, not Blue, like in 1983. Or I am truely color blind. Tempted to use 1-OZ keife, when I have enough to support experiment. Three previosly purchased hardwares dvices for support cooking. Ninja air fryer, 7-tray dehydartor, or wife’s crock-pot. Unlimited potential, afraid of joining to John Smith Pemberton Fan Club


Some how I missed this but I love makeing “moon rocks”. I’ll take little bowl sized popcorn nugs and warm up some wax till it flows, dip the bud in the wax like fondue then roll it in keif.

I need to do that soon and make a thread, maybe my entire BHO process aswell :thinking:


Okay Im all ears you mentioned wax, its early ill go search but would like to know more I want to make moon rocks to

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I infuse oil with a Leevo 2 and use 7 grams with 8 ounces and 1 teaspoon is approximately 23 mg per with buds guesstimated at 20% THC :love_you_gesture:

I recently made some canna caps using 14 grams of Herb. The caps hold about 1/2 ml per so these came out at around 5-6 mg per


I personally would like to see how you make bho.


Are the capsuls hard to fill? I want to make some seems easy was to disguise as vitamin e capsules.

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I used to infuse oil in the crockpot to make edibles but didn’t like the ‘weedy’ taste and smell. Took the plunge and bought a Source Turbo so I could do QWET extractions of decarb’ed flower. This produces an oil that is consistently 750 mg of THC per gram of oil. This allows me to much more accurately dose using a scale. The oil is blended in to coconut oil then used as a replacement for butter.

My cookies are completely weed-free and you wouldn’t know you were eating cannabis cookies. They are also potent AF.

You can more accurately dose yourself using an inexpensive scale to more precisely deliver your coconut oil. Weigh instead of measure.


Its easy if you use a filling tray like this.

Kimalab Vegetable Capsule Filling Tray Bundle, 00 Size, Two 50 pcs (100 pcs Total) Capacity Trays for Supplement Blends

There are fancier ones out there too

I too have a source turbo and i love it @Myfriendis410

Most recently, I made some 10mg gummies and some 75mg peanut butter cups


Ive only made butter and infused everclear. I need to try my hand at some coconut oil, seems like it may be more versatile then butter.


Coconut oil infuses better than dairy butter, based on my research. This is why I use it instead of butter for making edibles.


Yes I personally have stopped the butter and use coconut oil I feel its more stable and shelf life is great.


Appreciate that info! I would like to get those capsules up in the 15 mg range :love_you_gesture:


Purchased these off Amazon. The syringe has a nice kit :love_you_gesture:

:point_up_2: @Newt turned me on to this site


Wow, put your seatbelt on :joy::joy: