Make'in garrigans micro tea

This Thread isn’t about feeding your plants But all about feeding your

Ok, first up what you’ll need to do this .

1.) 5 gal bucket
2.) 1 5 gal paint strainer
3.) An aquarium pump large enough to run three bubblers. Several feet of tubing, three air stones, a gang valve, plus a bucket. A porous bag for the compost, like a nylon stocking. A small air pump is sufficient for 10 gallons. If you want to use higher volumes of water, get a larger pump.

4.)Fungal Dominant Tea:
2 pounds (900g) fungal compost ( I used Worm Castings )
3-4 tablespoons (50ml) humic acids
2 teaspoons (10ml) yucca extract
4 teaspoons (23g) dry soluble kelp or 2 tablespoons of liquid kelp 4-5 teaspoons (20-25ml) fish hydrolysate.

Fish-based fertilizers are obtained in two forms, fish solubles known as emulsions, or enzymatic di- gested fish known as hydrolysates. Fish hydrolysate is cold processed (minced, enzymatically digested and liquefied) to preserve proteins for quick turnover by microbes into nutrients. Emulsions are created using heat; this removes valuable ingredients and denaturing nutrients. While both forms can benefit a compost tea, hydrolysates retain the natural oils from the fish that are a very potent fungal food.
Mineral catalysts: Catalysts, as we know, change the speed of a reaction. It‘s important to understand that microbes work indirectly via chemical decomposition.

And that it. Here is a pic of my Micro tea cooking while I type this.
It will bubble like this for 8 to 24 hours and it’s ready to serve up…

And this is what too look for…As your tea brews (8–24 hours) you will notice a layer of foam forming on the surface. This is a result of the proteins produced by biological growth and a good sign that your compost tea (or rather the life within) is flourishing. When brewing AACT, warm water favors biology, but lowers oxygen. Colder water slows biological growth…so brew AACT at a similar temperature to where it‘s being used. And this would be the soil your plant is in.
It is even possible to experience benefits from com- post tea with just one application. After all, you‘re dealing with living organisms that can populate and reproduce by themselves if given proper conditions
Here is what it will look like.
This last pic was taken at 7:30am this morning. The batch was started at 2:30pm yesterday. So as of know 8:00am she only has 6 1/2 hours left to brew. Then my girls are in for a treat. And the 4 plants I have growing for the Contest that i’m in here at ILGM


I also made some Lactobacillus Serum

You can see where it starting to form. Should be ready on Thursday evening.


Thanks for sharing @garrigan62
Can you please expand on what the lactobacillus serum is and what it does to help with plants.

Don’t take this the wrong way but every time I see your avatar I think of the Quaker Oats logo…lol


LAB - Great info.



Thank you for the link

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Your to funny, I have a bowl of that stuff every day … lmao and never once did I see that until now.
No, But he could be my long lost Dad … lmfao

1030847 Quaker%20Oaks



Here ya go my friend and It only takes about 5 or 6 days to make the other one I posted only 24 hours

                                  LACTOBACILLUS SERUM

You’ll need:

1.) Mason Jars

2.) White Organic Rice

3.) One Gal Of Milk

4.) One 5 Gal Bucket

5.) A Strainer

6.) The Lid Yo The Bucket

7.) Two jars of Molasses or 18 0z

8.) Very fine strain cloth say 180 I’ll be using what painters use to strain their paint with.

You first pour 2 cups of white rice into a mason jar and add 4 cups of water place
the lid on and
shake for 5 minites.
Now strain your mix into another mason jar and cover with paper and rubber
band and let it sit for 3 to 4 days in a warm dark place.

After 3 to 4 days it should smell sweet not sour. Take a large plastic spoon with holes and remove the chunks of cheese and strain the rest of the white wash into another jar. You now should have about a half gal. Now using your 5 gal pal pour in your white wash into the bucket and now measure 10 cups of milk and pour that into your 5 gal bucket.


Place the lid on make sure it’s tight and let it sit for 4 - 5 days.

After 4 - 5 days it shouldn’t smell sour but kinda sweet. if it’s smells sour it’s no good. Now the curd you lift out and toss it out or compost it.
Get all the big stuff out and then strain into another bucket.

Now you have clean LACTOBACILLUS SERUM


Now you’ll need 1oz of seaweed kelp or hydroated fish

Using 2 1/2 glass containers fill them up and place in the refrig or dark cool place for one week.

Then you can mix with: IT’S like 1000th to a qt. of water

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: It explains it more in more detail

•Improves growth of plants when applied as foliar spray and soil drench. Improves their
efficiency in uptaking nutrients so naturally, growth is enhanced. With the use of these
microorganisms, the nutrients you spray or drench to feed your plants become more bio-available
and easily absorbable by the plants. Technically, you can say that plants do not use organic
nutrients directly. Microorganisms convert organic nutrients to their inorganic constituents
which the plants utilize. Utilizing microbes, you will notice better plant growth and health.


i saw the reference to fish in your recipe. i know a local here who plants in his barn and is a fisherman. he chopped up two blue gills and mixed with his soil and got extra pound or a little bit better on each of his plants



This is what it should look like on the third day. Notice how it has separated . Looks like cheese on top and your SERUM IS WHAT’S AT THE BOTTOM.

Now i’ll add 2 ml to a gal of water and spray my plants just once a week water my plants using this serum 2 ml to a gal of water.
And that’s it. The Micros will do the rest.

So now I have two Micro tea’s

If you have any questions PLEASE ASK OK

Here is the finished Serum.
After getting that top lear off and then using a
Ladies nylon sock, i strained the Serum and stored it in dark but at room temp for 24 hours. Poured it into another jug or mason jar.
I.ll use the pint, should last a couple years. And the large jug will go in the frig not the freezer, till needed
and there you have it.

SIMPLE AND FREE HOME MADE TEA garrigan65 02/15/2019



Last night I used the A.A.C.T Micro mis as a foiler spray and sprayed all my plants using 2 ml to a gal of rain water at P h of 6.5
I even sprayed the clones with it and I had one clone that I had placed into soil when it showed roots, but looked like she was dieing and was ready to pull it and decided to spray her with the micro serum and the next morning she was standing up like what happened to me … lol this is some awesome stuff all the other plants were perked up much better so i’m sure after a day or two I should see much better buds growing. Can’t wait to see end results. Should be mind blowing … lol
Here is a pic of the clone i was refering to … see how she looks, she was way worse


Here is Another Very simple tea that anyone can make…

You can I add your own tea brew, how well here ya go.

First I use worm castings, sun dried and screened
through 1/4 " screen

Then I put 2 cups of it in a blender (before you ask no it’s not the
one from the kitchen)
and turn it to talcum like powder. To make actual tea -
Put 1cap of castings powder in a clean 1 gallon jug
Add warm 7.0pH water to fill the jug
Shake it throughly to mix
Set the mixed jug in a warm dart place and age 7 days
After 7 days you have worm castings tea
You can use it to feed/water as needed
You can use it every watering


Well after talking to a very good friend here a ILGM I decided to go out back and was looking for one of my logs that had been eaten from the inside out by these white worms and big black beetles and sure enough there it was and this is what I got out of the log.
This black poop from the worms and black beetles.
I’m drying it out as of now. When it’s completely drired out I’m going to cook it at 225 for an 1/2 hour to kill any critters living in it.
then I’ll strain it to get all the B S out of it. And then place in a blender
(But Not from My Kitchen ) and make it into a powder and then I’ll be able to mix it with the following.

Worm Castings
Powdered Fish Hydrolysate
Humic Acid
Humic Acid Potassium
Yaccah Extract
Sea Kelp Extract
Fish & Kelp Liquide
Liquide Fish Hydrolysate

And Make my tea. I even want to try this with out the worm Casting. All I know is that I’ll have some testing to do and I have the clone to do this with. Eigher way it will be very interesting to see how the plants will react.

I’m also thing about mixing Worm castings And this other worm Casting with some potting soil and plant one of the clone in it and see what happends.


@garrigan62 can you break down the directions on your micro tea. I get confused after I add 10 cups of milk and let it sit for 10 days. What am I supposed to do with the molasses exactly?


Watch the video above and he will explain everything , but when I made mine I didn’t use molasses I used another I think it was kelp sea weed power’
But the video is what you want to watch and you only have to put it up for 2 -3 days not 10


@garrigan62 idk what I’m doing wrong with this micro tea but I can’t get it right :man_facepalming:, mine is not clear it’s still milky and sour smelling

How long are you letting it sit ? Should only be 3 or 4 days. and you cover the jar with a paper towel and elastic band so it can breath. once done with that you strain it and then add the milk cover with paper and band for another 4 or 5 days then remove the cheese mater strain inoto another jar and there you should have it.



Yeah I watched the video, I let it sit for 4 days now that I poured it out of the 5 gallon bucket and into my glass jars it’s actually separating and looks better I think I jumped the gun just a tad bit maybe it was just frustrating me when I tried to separate it this morning and it looked like sour milk :rage: @garrigan62

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Trust me I was the same way … lol
Then your all set. The biggest ting here is what the break down is per gal of water and the best thing about that is I’m going to a conference in Ann Arbor Min. where Trump is going to be at. I’ll be at the same hotel and will be hanging with this guys and others who wrote the book on this micro growing. So hang cause after the 25th of March i’ll have a hole lot to share in this tread. And the after party on Sunday is going to be a blast…hell ya … lol


Damn wish I lived closer I would love to come to that conference it sounds like a lot of fun man.


Latewood is going with me. He does a pod cast every Tuesday and Fridat nights. And he has been on the pod cast with all these guys. It’s going to be awesome to sit down over dinner and ask these guy’s questions.