Fish tea for the soil

I’m planning to try using fish tea ( if that’s the word) I understand it’s for the soil but could use someone with experience doing this.I have some in a barrel with water dead leaves and I some straw I’d like to apply it in the soil of the pots.some good advice please


Are you trying to make a compost tea? Your best bet it to grab a small bag of earthworm castings and brew a casting tea. You can get a bag for 20 bucks or less.


I also like to use recharge.


Are you using it outdoor? Is it a diluted fish emulsion? Or are you just chumming some crab bait?

The problem I have had outdoor is mammals finding the fish smelling concoctions irresistible. They dig up your bed or eat your plants for all the delicious fish sauce. Rats, raccoons, squirrels, and rabbits surprisingly like a hint of fish to their salad. Domestic dogs from the neighbors is what happens with my neighbors Jack Russells.

Indoor all you have to worry about is your wife or girlfriend not liking it. You will know soon enough if that is the case.

Fish emulsions are good fertilizers over all. You can find bloom and veg formulations depending what fish they are made from. Just dilute them to prevent mammal pests.


Whew, a few times of getting that rotten fish brew on you and your better half will no longer like you.

Fish emulsion is very cheap and can even be found in China Mart. I salute you organic approach though and it looks very easy to make.

The Indians planted one corn seed and one bean over in a hole with a dead fish at the bottom.

Word to the wise, if you are having problems with your girlfriend don’t start making rotten fish brew. :joy: :joy:

Your plan will probably yield excellent results and some tasty herb.

It’s been a pleasure to meet you.


Fish Emulsion is some of the best organic fertilizer, i use it all the time in between Jack’s outdoor Food, it won’t burn and results in Great Green Weed @noddykitty1 mentioned the smell attracts many types of rodents, animals, and possibly, a large serpent Rat Snake I found laying around the other day, They dug a few plants up last year so I tried an oldschool method of sprinkling Cayenne pepper flakes around the base of my plant’s and it worked, so I continued to use it without any problems

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