A customer has a question or concerns and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.
Under the program parameters we are allowed to grow strains of medical hemp which produce less than 0.3% THC but as much CBD as possible.
Do you know of such strains?
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These would be ruderalis strains of industrial hemp. The seeds are available, but ILGM does not sell them.
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AC/DC from NorStar Genetics has a THC to CBD ratio of 1:20. Almost pure CBD.
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Is it actually possible to buy those seeds? I thought it was just a breeding strain.
I have heard of people growing it a few months back. You might try contacting the company.
I purchased ACDC in Southern California, and experienced a level 7 pressure sensation in the back of my head. I usually only experience that when there is THC. So I’m confused.
Could be the way it was grown. We do know that milky trichomes = THC and amber trichomes = CBD. Maybe you have to harvest it late so all of the THC has broken down?
If you bought it from a dispensary, you could ask them about THC and CBD content. They might actually test their product.