Just recieved my seeds today and know a little about this strain but have never grown it. It’s a non ILGM strain but from my understanding its a very high cbd level with very low THC. My question is whether its difficult to grow and wondered about the stretch once you flipped.
Thanks in advance
I haven’t heard of that strain before but I’ll check into it
Well I do know there are two phenotypes, and its a hybrid between AC DC and harlequin. less than 1%thc and up to 20% CBD. A person can pretty much smoke it all day without getting stoned at least not very stoned, but I’m using it for the CBD. so it’s all good.
I’m just having problems finding out how hard it is to grow and the stretch. Oh well I guess I’ll find out.
Review said it was easy to grow. Sounds like a good medicinal strain for sure
Thanks @MattyBear
Do you have an actual strain name?
Sounds like medkit or cbd plus, where do you get your seeds from?
I have a friend who’s been growing both for about a year now but he’s an experienced grower.
Candida is the strain name. Google it and it will come up.
Candida is the name of the strain. It is a cross between ACDC and Harlequin. It has two phenotypes the sativa will grow very tall and hard to manage indoors and it doesn’t yield very much. the indica grows good and has a fairly large yield Both pheno’s produce anywhere from 10-20% CBD and never gets above 1%THC. As for the difficulty in growing this strain there is conflicting reviews, some places say its an easy strain to grow other places say it is moderate. With that said I’ll just pay a little closer attention than I have in the past, no biggie .ILGM didn’t have this strain so I bought from another source. But yeah if you google Candida you can get info on the strain. You may need to specify Candida marijuana strain because other things may pop up.
I totally missed that you put it in the title! Haha I skimmed the title and figured it said Canada so figured you were growing a medical grow in Canada.
That being said are you in the USA or Canada?
I’m intrigued please start a grow log!
So you have the indicia or you have the sativa or both?
I’m in the USA. I won’t know if its Sativa or Indica until it starts growing
I was reading on thecannabisradar and found out that Countries Following Canada on Medical Grade Cannabis Legalization I think it’s not true. But who knows roll_eyes:
@sillyman have you started the candida seeds yet?
@Mush4kush Yeah I started on one about a month ago, going to flip to 12/12 this weekend or pre-flower.
Cool im curious to see how you like it
@Mush4kush @Nicky @MattyBear @thecannabisradar or anyone else.
I didn’t start a grow log but have been growing it for a while now. I flipped about two weeks ago. Candida seems to be a fairly easy to grow strain for the most part. She will most definitely let you know if your PH is off by to much or if you feed her too much. I’m talking a slight overfeeding. The biggest issue I have had and she really hates heat!!! I normally run my lights at 750 in a 5x5 grow tent, She got all heat stressed so I raised the light and turned the light down to 500 watts. I did this over a week ago and it seems like she’s still recovering hers a pic.