Love It...Or Leave IT!

Okay Here`s the story… Last seasons outdoor grown I was growing an assortment of autos…As usual unfortunately I was invaded by Caterpillars or Cutworms who started to eat away at my buds right at harvest time. anyway when i found them and the buds were ruined and all crispy and dry .In my haste I got mad and ripped them off of the plant and threw them in a ceramic pot that I had for other purposes in the past. It was full of old soil old leaves from my fruit tree old fruit that was going bad and whatever else I threw into it not really paying attention to it. I never thought anything of the buds I threw into it…That was in ‘Croptober’ ( October) Then two weeks ago I was in the backyard and I looked down into the pot and noticed a weed looking thing in it!! I was like What?.. apparently the ruined buds I threw into that pot had a seed or two in them and despite it being wet and rainy and a lil cold… There it was…

Then this week I found another one
So whats the vote Do I let it stay and see what happens…Or do I transplant it and see what happens …Its and outdoor plant* I wonder if moving it inside under T-5 seedling lights would do something? Its just a funny fun type experiment…
What do you all think? what would you do?
Have fun! Thanks!


First pics a few weeks old second one is the new seedling.


You REWARD THAT YOUNG SURVIVOR!!! Grow that baby!!


That would be a good opportunity imo and a funny turn of events it is.
I dont know your weather AlGreen so… if you’re willing to take the risk of bringing it indoors and if you have good pest control products ‘PCP’ maybe that gene wants to grow like crazy, suggesting good genetics?


Leave it and love it! Congrats


Volunteer Cannabis is the best kind!


Anything that wants to live and grow that badly I would let it. :blush::v:


Okay So far I’m getting it!!
@Flitme So true …Its fighting for its life… I still wanna hear from all…let me know…
@spiney…That reminds me of an old saying…’ A friend with weed is a friend with in indeed’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Underthestairs I hear ya!
@Jaysittinback I think the night temps are 38f-48f lots of wind and rain… @Fieldofdreams Yes go freelance!
Thanks all!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I think I messed up…"smokinn while typin… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Its "A friend with weed Is a friend indeed’


Ruderalis Baby!! Thats why…It is still viable…My climate is no where near Siberia :joy:

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I think @AL_GREEN would say to that seedling “Let’s stay together” keep her growing.

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A friend in need’s a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better

Nothing like having a Pure Morning!

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Maybe get a cheap plastic greenhouse tent to help with the lower temperatures?

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Definitely don’t give up on it if your going to use this thread as a grow journal I follow along

That little lady is gonna surprise you. She may need some inside lovin. Rock on.


Mrs @beachglass I surely wish I had a :heart: to drop on that one!! Love it!! But tanks on E as always….


Grow it and show it brother @AL_GREEN !!

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I’m gonna bet that’ll be a very strong plant!!! What a trooper. Even after you gave up… she didn’t!!

Sorry to all that replied…This time I wasn’t laggin… Ive been having troubles with my Internet hook ups and so on…These companies are terrible… :poop:.But I’m back up and very soon will post more…
She is still alive…and has a friend…
@beachglass great Gif!! @MoFo Yes and a Lil “Love and Happiness” too! lol @Underthestairs Yes that’s what I did but only twice…when a frost came by. I put a clear solo cup on top .But I really wanna see how she will do otherwise with not much human intervention :stuck_out_tongue: @dirtydave Thanks man Yes follow along I`d like that ! …and to all those who commented…Thanks…I will post more soon!!


My girl has a new bestie!!.. A week or so I was out in the yard when I looked down into the pot and Hmm…It was another seedling growing next to her big sister…Wow now I have two…Its way behind the other but is pushing hard to catch up…Night time temps dip into maybe 32 F the lowest to daytime temps to 66 F give or take…Mixed clouds and sun after a few weeks of rain …Here they are now :arrow_down_small:

This is the new girl.
The older sister…

Both together…

  • Notice all the sticks…Those were the branches cut from my fruit tree …Like I said earlier That ceramic pot was like a lazy quick way Id throw bad fruit and lil branches in and that's were I "threw" the Caterpillar buds into also...I'm guessing the rotting fruit and stix made a compost of sorts..? I just gave them their first feeding ... Since I had over 6 strains going I have no idea what strain it was... I know it was a tuff one though!...Good Ol Rudarellis… keep ya posted
    Thanks !