Hi Grow friends. I’m going to start a outdoor vegetable garden journal here.
I live in upstate New York are grow season for vegetables outside starts April 11th through October. Our last Last Frost is generally somewhere at the end of April.
The only thing to this point that I’ve done is secured a 28 ft by 10 ft garden area and fenced it in. That’s it I have nothing else.
My ex-husband was the actual gardener I did nothing in the garden. So my experience is considered greenhorn rookie Jr
My 28x10 space receives morning and afternoon sun with little to no shade whatsoever.
Getting into my ground I have a current layer of Grass about a 5 inch layer of what I would call something like construction dirt and the rest of the soil in my ground is relatively hard Clay
I will potentially be growing tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, sweet potatoes and some watermelon. I don’t want to get too heavy with all kind of stuff but that just gives you an idea what will be going in the ground.
I’m assuming the very best place to start is the beginning. Preparing the ground
What I need to know at this point is what to do to dig up this ground to soften it up as Clay is rock hard.
1.) What type of tiller do I need
(Show me a picture of what you think I should use as a tiller)
2.) How far down should I till?
3.) Do I need to use a shovel first to remove the layer of grass and dispose of it or will the tiller take care of that?
4.) Once tilled, do I mix the tilled material with soil?