The process has begun and I want to start like a legit journal, unlike my last grows
I have only ever grown autos before. My sister gifted me some photo seeds at Christmas. I have no idea what they are or what I’ll end up with. I hope you all come with me on this journey and I would love any help I can get. Feel free to come along if you wish!
The process:
06/28 P.M. : dropped seed in glass of room temp water for 12 hours
The set up:
Mars Hydrotent 27X27x63
Light that will be used: Mars Hydro TS-1000
Fan: yes
Humidifier: yes
Pot: 5 gallon cloth
Medium: fox farm ocean forest - have put in a mykos root pak in the center a little less than half way down for the root zone
I will be using XtremeGardening Products for the first time when the baby breaks surface
I will add a dome above at that time as well
Looking good for the new grow! I was recently gifted a pair of rather bedraggled, thrip infested photos, a Space Queen and one labeled “LCH” whatever THAT means!
This is going to be a skill test. They need help, the poor things. I revegged them, they were in preflower. Now they are growing and I need Slowpoke to finish b/c I am not moving them into the big tent till she is out of it!