Anyone have suggestions on model and where I can purchase a controller that never turns my inline fan off but will lower or increase its RPM speed based on temperature settings?
Like this one in the video…but this is made for the European market I believe
It might be cheaper to just run two fans…one low cfm that runs constantly, and another on a controller that just switches the other off and on, if that’s a cheaper option? Just an idea that popped into my head.
maybe this will help a little? I use both of these. The first for a booster fan and the second of my tent fans. The second is by far the better of the 2
Thanks For your thoughts
I have a REO speed wagon stat (rheostat) already for the inline fan.
I also have a control box for temp/cooling but want to find device that does what the video I posted does.
Just looking to not have to manually adjust fan speed down to lowest setting before lights out every night so my heater doesn’t have to run all the time to maintain temps during lights out as inline fan with lights on is at 3/4 or so speed and will fight against the heater.
I can’t recommend a fan as I haven’t found one myself, but AC infinity is one that I have. While others here have it as well, the controllers were recently changed and don’t work like they are described or like the older models do. I was under the impression the fan would speed up or slow down based on how far/close it was to setpoint (variable speed). But once installed and tested, it basically would kick on to your predetermined speed and turn off when it was 1 deg away from setpoint. So long story short, AC infinity wont do what your looking for.
I’ve been using an InkBird temp controller and an InkBird humidity controller (two outlets on each unit). The temp controller I have has intervals (hours,minutes,days). It takes getting use to the user interface but I managed to make mine change the temp every 2 hours. Temps ramp up a degree or 2 till lights out then I have them drop back. Nothing drastic, no more than 5 degrees change. My humidity controller has 2 outlets as well. I have one exhaust fan to lower humidity and another exhaust fan to lower temps (I won’t be able to do that when summer comes).
Anyway it’s not a speed controller like what your looking at I know but maybe another option. These InkBird controllers have been rock solid, you can calibrate them as well.
If you’re a DIY type person, there are ways but it would be much less complex to do as @elheffe702 suggested and inkbird an intake or exhaust fan to turn on or off at a certain temp. This is a quick search for variable controllers, however, this is for a DC fan.
One that does what the video attached at the topics beginning.
I just purchased the Hyper Fan 8” and their optional advanced controller that does what the video above shows.
If you get something worked out like that please let us know.
I have the following, it will set fan speed based on temperature and lights, when lights are off it keeps the fan speed at the last speed it was at before lights off, it has controls for temp and fan speed minimum and maximum, it is made for Australia 240VAC.
That feature if accurate wouldn’t be an ideal setting if the last speed when lights on was at max speed because of lights and heat as now lights off…no heat…but fan still on max or higher than needed as temps fall etc.