Seems to be bulking. Getting close though. You’ll see her eventually stop shooting new pistils. Unless she’s an auto, sometimes they dont really “finish” so to speak and will keep foxtailing.
Can you post a picture a little father away? So we can see a whole bud
Definitely a auto , will be 10 weeks from sprout on Wednesday
I will a little later, not by the girls at the moment
You still have a couple weeks left judging by the white pistols. But that could change over night. Just keep checking tricomes. I would give it one more feeding
Ok, thanks, just fed full dose ff trio on Saturday
Your close enough to stop feeding. Just ph water for now on. The final smoke will taste better if you let her go hungry for a week or more.
Heres a picture from the back side of the ladys, bb auto 10 weeks today(bottom right)seen some amber on the sugar leafs, getting closer
amnesia 10 weeks also(bottom left)Tinman, plants look great! Can’t wait to see your harvest pics!
Just make sure ur looking at the bud not the leaf. Leaf will mature faster.
Maybe a close up without the light on to tell for sure @Tinman.
Lookin good btw.
Thanks, i will get some more later , any tips or not to do with the harvest , iam going to do a wash after i chop, should i trim before i wash
I would. I trim wet so I find it easier to clean up and then rinse and dry as normal. I prefer very neatly trimmed over leafy buds. Found it makes them smoother on the smoke end.
Ive been watching alot of YouTube, trying to get this right,
A flush is good and water only for a week or so and I really recommend doing a peroxide wash at harvest.
It’s still pushing pistils so I would run it longer.
Ok, thanks, i do plan on giving them peroxide and water wash at harvest, any thing i should not do or do , i was planning o dipping them in the peroxide/water then a clean dip/rinse in distilled water