9 plants under a 5x5 . Sohum living soil. Natures living soil internal and external products used. Foop nutrients used at double strength. Probiotics used. Water ever 3 days. 8 gallons water on 9(5)gallon pots. Lights on 20 hours. I’m not sure I can get bigger or better? Is this the best y’all?
Wow lookin awesome for autos man
Holy Mackerel!
Are those autos?
yes… sorry for confusion, barneys farms auto. watermellon zkilltez and runtz, also one pure cbd
just entered the fade! so probebly 2 or 3 weeks
What a incredible grow looks like there liking those floop nutrients I was thinking of trying them after I get board of grow dots
Holy crappola, man. Those are crazy ladies!
I am in Sohum, also, but I am still trying not to kill them.
foop is amazing.i use it double streagth and its expensive. im looking into dr. earth.
Happy Canniversary @dirtydave !
I used Dr Earth with good results I also had great results with Coast of Maine dry amendments and soils.
Outstanding…whoa…eye candy happy growing
im just looking for the best fermented organic living nutrients… suggestions? No flushing required please.
You can build your own super soils I use to but I moved to a much smaller place didn’t have the room for all the boxes of amendments. Tried natures living soil worked good but expensive. I think you should figure out the cost per once looks like your going to have big yield your nutrients may not be that expensive they’re certainly working for you.
your right., the return from the yeild is huge, honestly i really cant complain on cost because of the great return.
Super nice. Just curious, I read SoHum was a start to finish soil, with no nutrients needed. I was thinking about trying it. Anyone ever try it without adding anything?
They say with none needed. Yup that works. If you want some crazy crap like in my pics… I believe you better throw the kitchen sink at it
Maybe I’m wrong
…anyone think you can get results like I have on low feed or only soil feed? We are only talking whole living organic food systems
Thats awesome for an auto… bravo! Ive grown in COM for the last few years and have had awesome results with both Autos and photos. I just prefer photos.