Lights for vegging indoor grows

No sir I use leds lights only buddy start to finish :+1::v::cowboy_hat_face:
I didn’t go that way cause of the heat issues that goes along with them ?

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Oh yeah so you just change the light schedule but you have the same lights?

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Yeah brother I use my two 400 and one 1000 in one tent
Other tent has two 300 and a 1000
And small tent has two 300 watt lights
:+1::v::cowboy_hat_face: So yeah I switch the times when ready to flower
When I start the perpetual grow I’ll just have timers set my timers as follows
Small tent seedlings 14/10 on/off
Veg tent also will be 14/10 on/off
And flower will be 12/12
14/10 was suggested to me by majiktoker
I believe latewood started using it to try to simulate the suns natural pattern
I was told that most of us will never have more than 14 hours of sunlight per day
My area the longest day is 14 1/2 hours of sun :sunny:
I have been using thi 14/10 schedule on my auto hash grow and the plant is loving it
I won’t be using the 18/6 schedule anymore myself @daz49

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Thanks brother that’s really helpful, so far I still just have the 1 tent with the 600w hps so I’m definitely looking to upgrade if that’s the right word, well it’s more of a build up so expanding my grow set up, 14/10 makes a lot more sense, so I’m with you with the 2 400w same as bob but what’s the 1000w and why do you need that if you’ve already got the 2 400w ? I hope you don’t mind me asking but it’s the only way to learn @Countryboyjvd1971

@bob31 ,you said about the one 400w cob light but do you mind telling me like John the complete set up with lights and how many grow rooms, cheers brother


With leds you go by actual watts
Your looking for 35-50 watts a square foot
So those 400 watts lights draw 197 watts each actual my 100 watt draw another about 250 wattsactsl giving me a little over 600 watts of actual power
More light equals bigger denser buds
Also I should mention that all of my led lights a full spectrum so they get all needed light for best growth
@Niala has some good info on light @daz49 you may be interested in


@daz49 i’m using an anjeet 1200w cobb with one grow under my belt using it…
no complaints about anything really,it done its job pretty well i must say…for the price i would give it 4 out of 5 only because the cooling fans are so loud…lol
in all honesty,i will be upgrading to advanced lights when i move into my shed grow space…not because this light is bad,it is because i’m sold on their diamond series lights.
i will employ my two 300w and this 1200w in other stages of my grow…or back up lights…
happy growing daz,yea my 1200w actually draws around 450w true watts… be aware when buying leds as @Countryboyjvd1971 mentioned.


Thanks @Countryboyjvd1971,I really do appreciate your help, @Niala what lights do you have?I’d appreciate your input

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Those advanced light are nice :+1: @BIGE I’d love to upgrade to those or something equal :v::cowboy_hat_face:John
Not in my budget at the moment tho


well if i can get another grow or two from the lights i have,i will have saved enough to buy me one… it might be daddys christmas present this year! lol


Thanks @BIGEfor getting back to me, yeah what wattage they say and actual wattage is 1 of my concerns and I don’t want to end up with a huge amount of lights, costing me large amounts of electricity or making it obvious what I’m up to as it’s not exactly legal here yet, I’d prefer to buy 1 or 2 sets of lights that do the job, the most I’ll ever have under the lights is 6,my grow room was last year’s Christmas present lol


i have a 24’‘by 24’’ by 72’’ growbox for flowering=1 300w
24’‘by 24’‘by 48’’ box for veg that uses a 300w light…i also use this for sprouting wit jus a t-5 light.
and the 1200w is in a 4’by4’by8’ i use for flowering also…so i use one light per operation at the moment.


@daz49 when looking at light just check the actual draw of the lights
You should be ok with that and also full spectrum
I could grow with less lights myself I chose to run more but if I ran my two 400 watt lights in my 4x4x7 foot tent it would be plenty
I actually turn off the 1000watt light a few weeks from harvest to simulate the sun strength getting weaker in the fall :+1: @daz49 @BIGE


That sounds like the right plan buddy but doing a search, I can’t find anjeet 1200w cobb lights, I’ve searched on eBay and Amazon ,is there somewhere else I should be looking? Sounds like you have a nice set up my friend, mine at the moment is in cm and it’s 120 x120x200cm, which in ft is around 4 ft square by 8 ish ft tall, and that’s my flower room with 600w hps doing all the work, so hopefully I’m planning my next upgrade after my harvest, clean it all ,then I have to move it all into 1 room and then upgrade with my veg room, that’s the plan anyway lol

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The reason I’m asking so many questions @yoshi Countryboyjvd1971 @Majiktoker @BIGE @bob31 is that my harvesting is 2 to 4 weeks, and hopefully the upgrade will be soon after that, so it’s bound to be all happening quickly and I want to be ready and on top of it

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lol,well you will never know unless you ask! i’m happy to help out darren,and i will check on my invoice about the light.

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Maxisun, mehzi, king leds and a couple others are good brands @daz49

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Thanks @Majiktoker I appreciate you taking the time, I have seen some of those, cheers buddy

Cheers buddy I use off brands of maxisun I have a 1000 watt that has had great results

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I will definitely be taking a look, I know you know your stuff and appreciate your help

Thanks everyone for pitching In and helping me out

First you have to decide budget , than understand that quality is not cheap as to the same equivalent of your medicine ? In order to have great quality than it only make sense to grow with great quality . Now you can grow and get phenomenal results with out off brand lights , cause many do work in all due respect , but if you want quality and consistent results than you’ll want to grow with quality lights , fans , nutrients , and soil / hydro accessories . But check out @hillcrest21678 act of grows with an Advance DS XML 350 Led light panel and look at how consistent his grows are time after time he is getting not only massive weight , but quality in genetics , colors , characteristics in strains , etc . Now in my defense I have associates that we teamed up with the same passion and we all shared ideas , and we all did test grows of our own understanding in the plants development and we partner up to implicate all our different methods in growing to maximize great results . But I really do believe your most expensive investment should be in your lights unless you can grow outdoors in the direct sun . Now if you can veg in the sun and flower with lights , you’ll get awesome results honestly , but if you decide LED or LEC , or HPS than buy the best research product your money can buy and learn how to utilize your lights to get the best results and functions out of your lights . If you growing to medicate , and it’s being consumed in your holy temple (body) than you want the primarily best product you can produce to get the best results of the medication your money can offer and that’s where the real rewards are I believe my friend. I reallkso don’t want to tell you what I think is best cause we all have a difference of opinion , but I can give you a metaphor of thought to analyze , Rolls Royce , Bentley , Lamborghini , Ferrari never advertise or promote commercials on they products , cause simply quality cost and if you want quality than the cost don’t matter , this is just my opinion but my main focus is to grow for cancer patients after my sister became tremendously ill with colon cancer and now due to the medicine I have learned to produce her cancer has been in remission for almost 12 months right now actually 11 months and two days , so I started on the level I could afford but my aim was to get thedd best name brand equipment on market to learn to produce quality plants to where it’s in fact a great product from the results of the quality of the medicine .