Let the 2019-2020 grow season begin

Never mind I need to read post closer before commenting


Me too Brother welcome to the old folks club!! :rofl::laughing::joy: There’s a lot of amazing grows goin on!! I can’t keep up! But I’m given it hell! :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:


I’m curious of what your wet weight was on this. If you don’t mind me asking. :+1::sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:

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Don’t mind at all. I just can’t remember if it was 626 or 826. Hahaha! I’m going with 626 so I don’t get my hopes up too much.

My problem now is my other three are ready to go to dark and I don’t have a great place to dry them. What’s a farmer to do?


@imSICKkid @Cyle1. I’m bounce my question over here so it will help me keep track of the answers.

What can you tell me about how to use Jack’s? I’m just starting to learn about the product. Can it be used in ProMix? What kind of feeding schedule do you follow? I quickly looked on there website and did not see the information I was looking for, ca you direct me somewhere to learn more?


Theres a vidieo let me find

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It can be used in any medium

@Bubblehead there a great video that’s what he made me watch it’s a little long but really great info

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Very nice harvest bud!


white widow autos flipped 2 weeks ago. jack herrer photos keeping up


I can tell you that using Jack’s is the cheapest, and simplest method of grow I’ve found by far. The mixture is the same from seed to harvest. And yes, that means the same mix you give to your flowering plants as you give to your seedlings. Same 3 ingredients, same exact measurements, every single feed. I never feed, feed, water…or FWFWF. I always give the full strength mix up to 2 weeks out from harvest, then it’s normal tap water from there on out.


Do you have to worry about salt build up and flushing. I hate flushing. :wink:


@imSICKkid I’ve been following your grow. I’m getting ready to finish up current grow. Currently growing in soil I believe that you had said Jack’s can also be used in soil. I don’t think I’m ready to make the jump to coco. I’m starting to plan next grow just curious do you know if anyone on forum is using Jack’s with soil.


Which nutrient schedule do you use? There are several options on the website.


I dont ever flush my plants. I water to runoff whenever I feed but that’s about it. I give plants water only feeds toward the end of flower but I never dump ungodly amounts of water…I stay as simple as possible

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Jack’s is organic friendly and can be used in any type of medium.

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I use the 3-2-1 formula
So part A is the Jack’s Hydroponics(5-12-26)
Part B is the Calcium Nitrate bag(15-0-0)
And any bag of Epsom salt works for the third part.

Per gal mixture is
3.6g of Part A
2.4g of Part B
1.2g of Epsom salt

You have to mix them in order of operations so you take your bucket of water and put in the part A and the Epsom salt then stir til completely dissolved. Once that’s completely dissolved you add in the Part B, stir til dissolved…then ph to 6.0 in hydro or 6.5 in soil.

Same thing every time from seed to harvest. No water breaks, no flushing, just feed to runoff and your golden.


I believe this is what I need. Until I can increase my space I just want to keep things as simple as possible. Appreciate you taking time answering my questions. After thinking about it I want to keep things simple even after increasing my space.


Jack’s is the cheapest also…coming in at a whopping 3 cents per gallon

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That is awful easy. I may have to run a comparison to see how it works. You don’t do anything for soil health by adding microbes or recharge?

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