Hi guys just wanted to give you a follow up on my progress. I didn’t know if i should’ve started a thread or just use my previous one. I just started a new one and i’ll tag your guys so you can see whats going on or offer any suggestions. well with out further ado here are my girls
There they are.on plants 2,4 and 7. you can see the the hulls are still on the leaves. I’m more than sure they will fall off . I take them out in the morning and give them a light spray. They stay out all day once it gets dark. I bring them in I might give them a light spray and put them to bed.
I was thinking about getting a grow light till there are ready to go outside full time. Let me know what you think and if you think a grow light would be a good idea.let me know which one you would suggest. @GreenThumb101, @kellydans, @Royc, @Dennis62, @MidwestGuy. Thanks Again.
The shell will fall off just give it time. The best time to water/spray is when she’s going to be in the light. Like a lawn you water in the am instead of the pm because bacteria can/will develop and you don’t want that. You can do what you want, just trying to help. Good luck I’ll be following your grow.
Congratulations, I think your seedlings look good. I know in my area. I’m looking at about 4 weeks before I feel comfortable putting something outside.
Thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate all of you taking the time to offer your suggestions. @Psu8286 Thanks for the heads up on that, no more pm watering.
Hey Guys i got a problem. I screwed up I was moving my girls outside to get some sun And I dropped # 2. I Immediately picked Her up and gently put the soil around her. I added some new soil because i had loss some. I gave her a good watering and put her out. That was yesterday morning. This what she looks like today.
Do you want to hear stupid. I transplanted my seedling sprouts while still in the peat pellets. 1st off the mesh doesn’t break down. So not knowing this until my grown was over, I found this out. My rootball was about the size of a golf ball. That was my 1st grow. Surprisingly the smoke turned out to be pretty good and I’ve been smoking off of my harvest for 3 months. Dont beat yourself up sheet happens. If she dies just pop another seed.
I bet it’s the same as transplant shock, If not exactly transplant shock…id say she shld be ok…I’ve learned not to over stress or over think this stuff it usually hurts u if u do
My wife put my girl out and when she did she put them out in direct sunlight. It was a scorcher that day and this is the out come. I’ve kept them out of the sun for the past few days but it doesn’t look like they are getting better. So before i file for a divorce I’m going to take the advice of my friend @TheAccused. I’m not going to stress over it. I’m going to reach out to you guys and see what you have to say. If i have to start over. I will and consider it a lesson learned but i would really like to save some of my girls if i can.@Royc,@Kellydans,@Dennis62,@psu8286. Let me know what you think or any suggestions you might have. In pic 2 and 3 those aren’t as bad as the rest but why are the leaves dropping?
Eeeek!!! Brother! Nurse the hell out of them, maybe consider a humidity dome, the two healthy ones look like they will bounce back no problem the two brown ones might be over with however, u can get some rooting hormones from Walmart for about 5$ n the cloning process is pretty simple once the plants get old enough, keep me posted man I hope they bounce back! Mj plants r super tough tho!
We all learn from our mistakes. 1 , 4 and 6 don’t look too promising. The other three ,I think you can nurse them back. I think I would nurse the three back and start three new seeds, if you want six total. I did basically the same thing with a pot of lettuce. Couple weeks ago set it out and forgot it too young burn it up. Thanks for the tag. Good luck.
Ooo ouch. Doesn’t look good I agree with nurse the heck out of them. I guarantee that doesn’t happen. See you’ve learned something. I burned at least 6 seedlings one way or another. That was last year for me. Then I messed my last grow and I’m sure I did something this time, but you and I will continue to learn with every grow. I’d drop more beans and start again.