Crap. Hold on. The 30:1 is going to be grown next time: Dr. Seedsman CBD. Sorry!
The Sweet CBD is 16:1.
Crap. Hold on. The 30:1 is going to be grown next time: Dr. Seedsman CBD. Sorry!
The Sweet CBD is 16:1.
I have a couple leaves on my GL that have this discoloration. Could this be a calcium deficiency? I’m still really not very good at diagnosing deficiencies.
I’m going to let @MattyBear call that. I’m honestly not sure @Bubblehead I’m trying to
Hone in on my diagnostic skills
Could be phosphorus. At least that is my best guess without knowing anything else
@MattyBear The discoloration has only happened on leaves toward the top of the plant. They are leaves that are attached to a bud site. I am on a feed water feed schedule.
What else can I tell you that would help with diagnosis?
Do you have a pic of the whole plant available?
Ppms could be a little low since she is in the stage of life when she is consuming the most nutrients.
Thank you @Bubblehead
Have you run a pH slurry test?
Thinking Manganese, maybe? Probably nothing too bad. If only a leaf or two are affected, I wouldn’t worry much. If your Roots has a micronute product and many leaves are showing issues, add it in next time.
Your plants look very happy!
I was going to run a slurry test tomorrow to prepare for watering on Friday or Saturday. On my water days I use recharge, mammoth p, 1 tsp of epsom salt and 1 tsp of Dementer’s Destiny.
Definitely not something that you need to throw a bunch of nutrients at. Like @blackthumbbetty said, they look good overall
@blackthumbbetty not a ton going on I just want to stay in front of the issues if possible. Plus I’m leaving on a work trip for a week. While I trust my care giver they will not be paying attention to the details like we do.
Slurry test performed. Below are my results using 2oz distilled water and 2oz soil. I let sit five minutes giving a couple good swirls in that time.
Gl who has the marks on her leaves: 250ppm/6.6
GG: 350/6.2
Looks like they are hungry I fed them with 1100ppm Monday and being in ProMix there pH is a little high for my liking.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am very grateful for all the help and education you’ve given of the past year. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving @Bubblehead and you have come a long way with your girls and they show it
Gobble gobble, pothead! You’re a great grower!
Gals look lovely, you are doing a great job, as has been said, keep doin what you doin
Happy Thanksgiving to you all
@BobbyDigital My Gold Leaf is showing this ailment. I was reading another journal you were helping to diagnose an issue they were having. Could this be excessive calcium? It is only on a few leaves. A full plant photo is further up the journal.
I had a plant do that over the summer. I’m still not positive what causes it. I think it has to do with genetics. That plant went to my buddy so I didn’t continue to watch it closely. It did grow into a beautiful plant though.