Okay soon to come hopefully within the next 2 weeks i wanna start a grow journal. I guess since it is setup for it i am gonna run photos in the room and autos in the spare bath like now. I am gonna run 3 plants
A photo fem cheese going now in flower in 10 gal ffof
When i start the other 2 they will most likely be sativa strain same as i am growing now just with more knowledge one in a 7 gal fab pot with ffof and one in a black magic 6 gallon grow pail. Lets get some chitter chatter in here and throw the ideas at me if u grow hydro throw the ideas at me. If u grow soil hit me with it. Just b gentle on my girls is all i ask.
@Tenga @Shaggy @shady424 @Not2SureYet @pptrsha1 @CoyoteCody @Covertgrower @Cannabian @Hemp
Hell i might do one of the plants in 7 or 10 gallon coco. Give me ur thoughts on that. Will use gh trio and additives
Lmao! U just made me spit out my coffee!
Damn outta likes already for 3 hours. Well now ya have a lil something to do.
I haven’t grew a cheese yet so good luck with that . Good luck on the new journal, just remember if your journal gets a little stale I can invite several of the gif terrorists on here. Lol
Bring em on. Hell the more the merrier. Hell i wanna see everyones plants also one here dont be shy post away.
Don’t have much to show … A couple stragglers from the last grow.
And a tent full of seedlings expected to be the last harvestable plants of the year.
@SKORPION well lost as they grow. I love watching them grow mine or yours either way. Some buds off my sativa
Big cheese
@Nicky ll post better pics heregotta clean drip pans just gave cheese 4 gallons of war
Set to watching
Nice sativa hybrid I love it.
Looks like it’s going to be a tasty one, and I don’t say that all the time =p
Great leaf to calyx ratio. What strain is the sativa?
lol thats funny wheres the Kaptain?
Wife just drank the rest of the fifth of capn last night. Lol.
Thats sweet! My sativa is just starting to flower! Its gigantic! Takes up about 120 square feet at 12 feet tall!
its the plant far right, that was a month ago.@Grizz718 here is gonna be my new page. Hopefully to start a new grow with details coming shortly
@BigBUDgell here is my new page.
Watching intently my friend.
@kaptain3d you are needed on this page. poor soul cant get traction. he tried doing stupid stuff. now he needs your gifs. you are the master
I kill you dead!!!
Set to watch!