Leaves are drooping down

So this is my 1st attempt at growing. I started indoors, and I’m getting ready to transition them to outdoors. I’m only growing 3 plants, 2 are doing amazing, but the 3rd looks to be having issues. The 1 having issues is Mimosa × Orange Punch autoflower from Barney’s seed bank. I’m using 40% coco coir 20% perlite 30% top soil 10% composted manure. I’m using Sensi Grow for my nutrients part A and B. My plants are going into week 5 of the grow as of tomorrow. I’m running my indoor lighta at 24 on 0 off.

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Looks like you just watered. Give her some time and she will perk back up.
Next watering, water in a ring around as far out as the leaves reach, and she will be much happier. Welcome to the forum! Normal lighting is easier to see what’s going on for next time if you have an issue.


Thanks for the feedback. So she has looked like this since week 3 and i cant seem to get her to perk up. Dont know if these pics are any better but I moved her outside to get her ready to transition full time to the outdoors. So I dont know what her deal is. Hoping some outdoor time helps.


Excessive nitrogen, adjust accordingly. The claw you’re seeing is nitrogen toxicity.
She’ll grow out of it eventually, and as she gets larger she’ll be able to take more nitrogen than she can at this stage.


Your first mistake was growing autos if this is your first time. They’re very unreliable, and very finicky. If they don’t get off to a good start, the grow is ruined because they’ll start flowering before they recover, and yield will be worthless. It’s likely that plant won’t amount to anything. It looks like it has some issues, and won’t recover in time.

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@Dexterado Everyone has a preference, it’s not wrong. I’m not a fan of autos either, but autos vs photos wasn’t the question here.


I agree! I see it a lot with jacks.

I haven’t experienced this yet, seedlings accept it well, but there’s always a diva among them that gets upset about something. :joy:

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For me I think It’s the frequent feed bro, pretty sure at least. It’s hard to find balance for all the nutrients and nitrogen. Even running low PPMs I still see it. I almost think it just comes with the territory. :man_shrugging:t3: bud still comes out :fire:

Just wish calcium and nitrogen were separate. I think that would mitigate most issues. Or the 0 nitrogen part a.


I buy the flora micro hard water since my water has enough calcuim.